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[SOLVED] Inserting and Updating Arrays...


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I recently discovered arrays... when I say recent, I mean today, haha...


I've looked around and its incredible hard to find a tutorial on it.


Let's say this is my array:

$names = array("Brian","Billy","Bob","Joe");


How am I suppose to update my array?

mysql_query("UPDATE site_table SET friends = 'what do i put in here' WHERE user_id = 2");


Also, if I want to add another name to the array, how am I to do that?


Thanks in advance.

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So you want it to appear in the database in a text field as one line like so?

Brian Billy Bob Joe


If thats how you want it, then you would do this:



$names = array("Brian","Billy","Bob","Joe");

$query = "UPDATE site_table SET friends = '" . implode($names, " ") . "' WHERE user_id = 2"
$result = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());



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Thanks pocobueno1388 for your rapid responses.


OK, I think I might not have understood the use of arrays...


Am I still able to call upon the the friends field as an array? like $friends[3]? And it would show Bob.


Yes, you will still be able to call which name you want from the array by using the key like you did.


But Bob would be $friend[2] because the counter starts at 0...here is an example.



$names = array("Brian","Billy","Bob","Joe");
                  0       1      2     3


Does that make sense?

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Wow, awesome pocobueno1388... you are very knowledgeable.


One last thing and I'll leave you alone. Let's say instead of a " " space, since I might have a name that includes the last name "Bob Barker". I want all my array stored in the database with brackets.


For example:

[brian][billy][bob Barker][Joe][Cindy]


How am I suppose to explode that into an array?

Maybe it's this?

$friends = explode("[", $friends, "]");

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