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[SOLVED] Is it possible to run multiple queries on one page


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I have a query that accesses a products table and I have more than one products table. What I need to know is can I run a query and store the results in an array and run the query and stor those results in a different array and extract them at will and place them in there proper places on the page?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


This is what I am using now

$mynumber=rand(1, 5);
mysql_select_db(mydatabase) or die( "Unable to select database"); 

$query_content= "SELECT `heading`, `picture`, `description` FROM `content` WHERE `item` = '$mynumber'";
$result=mysql_query($query_content) or die(mysql_error());
$arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

print "<table width='200' align='right'><tr><td>$heading";
echo "<br />";
echo $picture;
echo "<br />";
echo $description;
print "</TD></tr></table>";


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OK what I have is 1 table to start with and it currently cotains 4 fields item set to auto inc, heading=full text, picture=full text, description=full text.


What I want to do is add more tables and eventually be able to query all the tables i need to based on the link clicked and assemble a page of ads. In short I would like to be able to query all the tables that pertain to what they are interested in.

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All the tables will be basiccally the same except that the will contain different types of product like automotive and shoes toys and the like. They will all contain the same fields just different type of products. I think I might have to assign them all a "product code" to relate them but im not sure how to do that.

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Maybe instead of making a separate table for EVERY category, you can just add a field called "category" to your table and put ALL the items in it.


So your fields would be







And for category you can put "Toy", "Tool", "Garden", or whatever. That way it will be easy to sort out and grab exactly what you want.

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