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member tracking


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can anyone tell me the  best way to track a member?

i have a database name users online

one with counter

and i got a class setup that is in ever page to keep track of the member.

problem 1. using ip, cell phone users give out a new one every im they click on a new page so that wasn't working.

problem 2. using session_id . i thought this was the best choice but someone cell phones are giving me some problem.

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Here was my help back in the day for this question, so use this function



function online_users($period = 300 /* seconds */) 
    $query = "DELETE FROM `online_users` WHERE `updated` < '".(($now = time()) - $period)."'"; 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die ($query.' -- '.mysql_error()); 
    $query = "INSERT INTO `online_users` (`ip`, `updated`, `user`) ". 
             "VALUES ('".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', '".$now."', '".(isset($_COOKIE['user'])?1:0)."')". 
             "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `updated`='$now', `user` = '".(isset($_COOKIE['user'])?1:0)."'"; 
    mysql_query($query) or die ($query.' -- '.mysql_error()); 
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `online_users`"; 
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die ($query.' -- '.mysql_error()); 
    $return = array('users' => 0, 'guests' => 0); 
    if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) 
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
            if($row['user'] == 1) 
    return $return;     


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Cant modify my posts ATM, but heres a desc:


Here was my help back in the day for this question, so use this function


You insert all the current username sessions evertime the user refreshes the page, but before that you have to delete the old usernames from your db that at 5 minutes old. Lets say bob came on the site and his name is on the user online list, and so is Sam, now 5 minutes later Bob's session is expired and you delete all the old username sessions from the db that are 5 minutes old, but sam is still online, so when he refreshes the page his username will be in the user online table, but bob's wont... and this process continues...


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i already have a code.

is there anything that you would add to it or take out.

class online{
public $remote;
public $ref;
public $uagen;
public $on;
public $db;
public $sid;
public $uid;

public function __construct($r_add,$h_ref,$h_agent,$sid){
 $this->remote = $r_add;
 $this->ref = $h_ref;
 $this->uagent = $h_agent;
 $this->sid = $sid;
 $this->db = new DB();

set the session of the members online.
$on = $_SESSON[''] user session identifier
$uid = user id if NULL is a guess
public function setOnline($on){
    $this->on = $on;

//get the time current time
	$time = time();

//check to see if the session is empty

// check to see if the session of this user was already in the database
		$query = "SELECT session_id FROM table WHERE session_id='{$this->sid}'";
		$result = $this->db->query($query);
		$count = $this->db->num_rows($result);

//if the session id is in the database the user closed the borswer and came back
//just add the session last 5 minutes
$_SESSION['on'] = 'online';


if no session id in the database then add the user
set the session and update the new visitors table
				$query = "INSERT INTO `table` (`session_id` ,`activity` ,`ip_address` ,`refurl` ,` user_agent`)VALUES ('{$this->sid}','$time','{$this->remote}','{$this->ref}','{$this->uagent}')";

			$query2 = "UPDATE tra_visits SET count=(count+1)";
$_SESSION['on'] = 'online';


checks to see if the user has in id
not null a member
null = guest
 public function setUser($uid=NULL){
 	$this->uid = $uid;
	    $query = "UPDATE table SET activity='$time', member='y' WHERE session_id='".$this->sid."'";
return true; 

updates a user field if exist everytim the user enters a new page.
public function updateOnline($on){
	$time = time();
	    $query = "UPDATE table SET activity='$time', refurl='{$this->ref}' WHERE session_id='{$this->sid}'";
	  	$result = $this->db->query($query);

checks to see if a field is not active for more than 5 minutes
and deletes it.
public function notOn(){
	$time = time();
	$query = "DELETE FROM table WHERE ('$time'-activity)>'500'";

$remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$uagent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$sid = session_id();
$on = $_SESSION['on'];
$uid = $_SESSION['user_id'];

$online = new online($remote,$ref,$uagent,$sid);

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