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Does anyone know if a script exists for this?


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Have a basic user management system, whereby the only fuctions are join, login, logout. The only main fuction is that each user bookmarks or 'favourites' 5 pages, the number of pages can be edited by admin. And one the bookmarked pages theres a stat somewhere that says 'bookmarked by 7 users' or however many it is etc.


I have tried editing fanlisting scripts to do this job but cannot prevent every user from bookmarking every page... the key is setting a maximum of 5 pages per user.


Does anyone know of an already existing script or something similar i can edit? Any keywords to google?


Thanks for your help.

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you could create a database like this

user_id int(15),
book_1 varchar(100),
book_2 varchar(100),
book_3 varchar(100),
book_4 varchar(100),
book_5 varchar(100),

then you could put urls in each bookmark cell then run a query like this to count the number of times a page has been bookmarked

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `testb` WHERE `book_1` = 'URL' OR `book_2` = 'URL' OR `book_3` = 'URL' OR `book_4` = 'URL' OR `book_5` = 'URL';

then the number of bookmarks is in COUNT(*)




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yeah well you have a table with your users and when they bookmark a page it puts it into one of the slots in the bookmarks table and when they fill the 5 slots up you need a scipt to ask them which bookmark to erase.  so they are limited to 5. i think this is what you are asking



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I have created a simple user system at http://codeapple.com/demo/index.php. Users can register, login, logout. On the members page theres a link to 'page 1', this page i want available for bookmarking. Currently on page1.php i have a link that when clicked auto updates the database, the link directs to bookmark.php. The code im using for bookmark.php is:


  $connection= mysql_connect($host,$uname,$pass)  or die("Database connection failed!<br>");
  $result=mysql_select_db($database) or die("Database could not be selected");
  $query = "UPDATE users SET bookmark1=\"PAGE 1\" where id=1";
  $result = mysql_query($query);

  if (!$result) {
     die(" Query could not be executed.<br>");
  } else {
  echo "<table> ";
  echo " <tr>";
  echo "   <td colspan=\"2\">";
  echo "     <center><b>PAGE 1</b> has been bookmarked</center>";
  echo "     <center><a href=./page1.php>go back</a></center>";
  echo "   </td>";
  echo "  </tr>";
  echo "</table>";


I have blanked out the database connection info; so that is not the error, it connects and updates okay.


The problem line is this:

  $query = "UPDATE users SET bookmark1=\"PAGE 1\" where id=1";


Currently when anyone clicks the link to open this page, it inserts 'PAGE 1' into a cell in table `users` called `bookmark1` but as you can see, only for the user whose ID is 1. How can i set it to whichever user is logged in and clicking the link to update their bookmark1 cell?

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i don't no how you are checking that a user is logged in you must be storing the user information in $_SESSION or in a cookie when a user is log's in you must do a database query you could have some code like this

$query='Query to check if user is logged in';

then you could change your update query to

$query = "UPDATE users SET bookmark1=\"PAGE 1\" where id=".$_SESSION['id'];

then you are setting the bookmark for the user logged in




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Right, that site link is wrong, the site is http://www.codeapple.com/demo2/1/login.php


I have 6 cells in a database table named `plus_signup`, which holds all the user details. The 6 cells are named book1, book2.. etc.


ATM users can manually enter text and update the info in those cells via an update form. I need to somehow place a html submit button on each page i want available for bookmarking; when a user clicks the submit button on a page it adds it to a cell.


I need to know how to update the database just by clicking a submit button, i dont know how ATM. Once i've got that down i can work on limiting to 6.

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on each page you could have a simple link like this

<a href="bookmark.php?page="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>">Bookmark this page</a>

then bookmark.php:

//print form
echo '<form action="bookmark.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="'.$_GET['page'].'" />
Set bookmark 
<select name="bookmark_number">
  <option value="1">1</option>
  <option value="2">2</option>
  <option value="3">3</option>
  <option value="4">4</option>
  <option value="5">5</option>
  <option value="6">6</option>
to '.$_GET['page'].'
<input type="submit" value="Set">
$query="UPDATE `plus_signup` SET `book".$_POST['bookmark_number']."` = '".$_POST['page']."' WHERE `user_id` = '".$_SESSION['id']."';";
header('Location: welcome.php');
header('Location: welcome.php');


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I have this code working:


// check the login details of the user and stop execution if not logged in
echo "<center><font face='Verdana' size='2' color=red>Sorry, Please login and use this page </font></center>";

$row=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("select * from plus_signup where userid='$session[userid]'"));

if($row->book1 == "yes"){
$ckb="<font face='verdana, arial, helvetica' size='2' align='left'>
<b><font color='green'>BOOK1 is in your elite 6</font></b><br>
<input type='radio' value=yes checked name='book1' checked><b><font color='green'>Yes</font></b> 
<input type='radio' value=no  name='book1'>No";}

else {$ckb="<font face='verdana, arial, helvetica' size='2' align='left'>
<b><font color='red'>Make BOOK1 elite?</font></b><br>
<input type='radio' value=yes name='book1' >Yes 
<input type='radio' value=no checked name='book1' checked><b><font color='red'>No</font></b>";}

// One form with a hidden field is prepared with default values taken from field. 
echo "<form action='elitecheck.php' method=post>
<input type=hidden name=todo value=update-profile>

<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align=left width='30%'>
<tr bgcolor='#ffffff' > <td colspan='2' align='left'>
</font></td> </tr>

<td ><font face='Verdana' size='2'>  $ckb</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor='#ffffff'><td align=left colspan=2><input type=submit class=red value=Make_Elite></td></tr>


echo "</table><br>";



Could i edit this to check if anything exists in cell `book1`, if yes, then it checks cell `book2`, and so on until it finds an empty cell (maximum of 6). If no then it submits the info into the cell.


An else if statement maybe?


Or possibly use a drop down box to select the cell:









so then the user can choose which cell they bookmark, then they can edit and overwrite as many times as they want.

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