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register validation send to e-mail


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Hello, i have a form so people can register to receive a newsletter. But i want to make it better and after people register i want an e-mail to be sent to the email used to registered and then the person confirm it clicking on a link. Basicly like all forums do.

I just don't know how to generate the page that the link will point to.

I assume that lets say people will enter name, email and age.

then after people click register that date will be add to my db and i'll send a mail asking to click the link x. so far i know how to do that.

but then that link x needs to have some data like blabla.com/confirm.php?mail=alalala@hotmail.com, right?

And on the confirm page it will have some code that update the field with the e-mail alalala@hotmail.com and activate it.

I'm just lost on which code should be writen on the confirm.php page and how this should be done more saftly because this way some smart guy know that if he write "blabla.com/confirm.php?mail=the email he wants to register" on his browser it will activate without problem

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when a user register they add a row to the table that has







Set the activated to = 0 and the registration_key to some random 16-32 key string


Then send an email with a link to




Then on activate a simple query

$q = "Update `emails` set  activated='1' where key = '$_GET['key']' and Email = '$_get['email']";
$r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($r) >0){
#They are activated/where activated
#The key/email combo is invalid


Very crude but simple

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As for the last part of your question, the security measure so it isn't just joe@gmail.com in the url, run a md5 on their email and use that as the activation url. When someone goes to confirm.php and mail isset then you will change the row in the db that to activated.



Quick example:

if (isset($_GET['mail'])) {

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET confirmation='true' WHERE email=('".md5($_POST['mail'])."')") or DIE(mysql_error());

echo "thanks for confirming your account";


Something like that..



edit: after seeing above post, you won't need the registration_key as long as you're doing the md5. It's basically doing the same thing, they just don't really know what you're checking against.

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