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I'm stuck aswell, about php loop and mysql


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I'll start off by saying hi and thanks in advance.


This is a poll script, in my mysql I have a table named

weekly_polls( id,author, question, date, time, option1, option2 ~ upto option10 )


Options are possible answers to the poll. What I'm trying to do is a loop that get's all those options(answers) and display them on my page only if the field of the table is not empty. So I came up with this:

// Weekly Poll
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `weekly_polls` ORDER BY `date`, `time` DESC LIMIT 1");
$row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)

// Check Options / Answers
		  $oavail = 0;
		  if(!empty($rows2['option1'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option2'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option3'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option4'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option5'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option6'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option7'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option8'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option9'])){ $oavail += 1; }
		  if(!empty($rows2['option10'])){ $oavail += 1; }
for( $num=1; $num < $oavail; $num += 1 ){
echo('<tr><td bgcolor="#000000"> <input name="" type="radio" value="" />'.($row2['option'.$num]).'</td></tr>');


But the thing is, it isnt workign yet... it's not displaying anything.

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First things first. Stroing all the otions in there own field is probably a poor db design in the first place. Basically any time you see opt1 opt2 opt3 etc etc as field names, something is wrong.


What exactly is this table meant to be storing?

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Thanks for the replies,


the thing is I'm not getting any error and I just added the "or die.." and fixed some of the things.. at first it was displaying all 10 options... until I added in if empty... options contain text.. it's basicly all the answers possible.. up to 10 answers max. I'm doing this check to see which is empty... and calculating the total of options that aren't empty so I can then echo the answers up to the last none empty one.


I'm using date,time separatly because sometimes I just want the date and sometimes just the time...

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I fixed it myself, it happens it just didn't like my code. I optimized it and now it works... awesome uh


for those interested:

// Check Options / Answers
for( $num=1; $num < 10; $num += 1 ){
if( !empty($row2['option'.$num]) ) {
              	echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#000000"> <input name="" type="radio" value="" />'.($row2['option'.$num]).'</td></tr>';

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I would still look at a different db design. I didn't have time to post before, but IMO this would be a better design which allows limitless options for each poll.


  question TEXT,

CREATE TABLE poll_options (
  poll_id INT,
  option TEXT,
  votes INT


Then, to create a new poll you might use a function something like...



  function create_poll($question,$options) { 
    // connect to db.
    $sql = "INSERT INTO polls (question,stamp) VALUES ('$question',NOW());";
    if (mysql_query($sql)) {
      $poll_id = mysql_insert_id();
      foreach ($options as $option) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO poll_options (poll_id, option) VALUES ($poll_id,'$option');";
        if (!mysql_query($sql)) {
          return false;
    } else {
      return false;
    return true;



Just an idea.

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