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simple image viewer with thumbnails


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Could anyone tell me how to set a seperate directory for the thumbnails for this script, They get way too pixelated. I want to use this script so users of my site can view video game screenshots? 




// START set thumbnails on or off

//comment this section out if you don't want thumbs to show at all

$showThumbs = 5;//number of thums to show
$thumbsList = '';
$thumburl = '';
if ($_GET['thumb'] == 'yes'){
//read thumb param to url if exists
$thumburl = '&thumb=yes';

for ($i=0;$i<$showThumbs;$i++){
if ($thispic + $i + 1 < $numPics){
$currThumb = $thispic + $i + 1;
$thumbsList .= '<a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $currThumb . $thumburl . '" title="' . $pics[$currThumb] . '"><img src="' . $pics[$currThumb] . '" alt="' . $pics[$currThumb] . '" height="100" width="100" border="0" /></a>   ';
$onOff ='<a class="thumbs" href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $thispic . '">Turn Thumbnails Off</a>';
} else {
$onOff ='<a class="thumbs" href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?id=' . $thispic . '&thumb=yes">Turn Thumbnails On</a>';

// END set thumbnails on or off 


Thanks.  :-*

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Hard to tell what you are doing, but for whatever file you are dealing with $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is relative to the document root, so if I understand correctly href="../thumbs/' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . ...

So wherever I find $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']  I should add ../thumbs/ before it and store my resized pics in a folder named thumbs?


You can see what I'm trying to do here http://www.plentyoftorrents.com/imageviewer/imageviewer.php?id=0&thumb=yes


The thumbs would look alot better if I could resize them in photoshop rather than have the php resize them.



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I tried that but got this error, Parse error: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '.' in /html/imageviewer/imageviewer.php on line 76

then i got rid of the periods before the thumbnails folder and got this error.

parse error, unexpected '/' in /html/imageviewer/imageviewer.php on line 76

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I looked at the page you referenced. It doesn't look like you're displaying the thumbnails you might be creating.


The generated source says:

<a href="/imageviewer/imageviewer.php?id=4&thumb=yes" title="6.jpg"><img src="6.jpg" alt="6.jpg" height="100" width="100" border="0" />


If you want to output the thumbnail that is created, you need to do something like:

<a href="/imageviewer/imageviewer.php?id=4&thumb=yes" title="6.jpg"><img src="/imageviewer/imageviewer.php?id=4&thumb=yes" alt="6.jpg" height="100" width="100" border="0" />


As it is now, you are having HTML shrink large pictures sized 1,024px × 768px down to 100px x 100px which is why they look horrible (and it's slow).



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