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PHP Cake - like to know the crossover


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I have been searching for live PHP instruction, with vitually zero results unless you count 3-day courses for $1200.


There is a free 3-week course being taught that goes into PHP Cake. I searched the web yesterday, though never came up with examples or much of a definition.


Anyone know if the coding is close enough to help me learn regular old PHP-4/5




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That course most probably teaches your how to use the CakePHP framework. Before taking such a course make sure your have an understanding of the basics. For learning the basics the best place to go is reading the manual at php.net

What I want help with is getting down the intermediate level. Having studied for a while, I can now understand virtually all code from an advanced site I run, and adjust plenty of the stuff there. But asking me to actually create new code is another matter. My desire is for exposure to instruction that will help better advance my pathway to finally feeling comfortable enough to write code.


I posted in the freelance forum seeking a paid tutor. So if anyone reading here knows of a possibility, input will be much appreciated in that arena too.


Will go look up the term framework to see if my grasp of the concept increases. Thanks.

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My friend to be a programmer you need to learn yourself.


Yourself is the best teacher available out there.




Hmm, if that is accurate for all people, are you saying all the people taking 4-year courses in college are going the hard way?


In either case, I think it's possible that your typical programmer has an aptitude more suited for programming then me because I have already read 4 books and studied video lessons out my ears, yet still need help. Or my intellect may be lacking.


Whichever, people might conclude that I should just give up and find another hobby. It's too late though. I plan on trudging forward after feeling like the time is very close. And I hope one-on-one will provide another piece in the process.


Thanks for the perspective.

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you may find it easier to install and pull apart a working application rather than try to learn a framework, if your problem is being able to understand but not write code as you say. Forums, blogs and many other similar apps are great (i learnt php from phpBB). Using a complete application rather than a framework will let you actually get quick results by changing things around, and see how things are actually being applied.


You'll find frameworks and stuff much easier to get your head around after this.

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Hmm, if that is accurate for all people, are you saying all the people taking 4-year courses in college are going the hard way?


Not at all. What you would learn in a 4 year degree at college/university is wildy different from what you would teach yourself. While you can teach yourself a lot about programming, there is plenty you wouldn't even think about.


See this post here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,180756.msg808017.html#msg808017


I think we see a lot of people around these forums with a similar viewpoint to you; they feel they can understand code that has been written, but not write their own. Personally, i would guess that,a lot of the time, this is just a lack of confidence and/or ideas. So what if you try and write something that doesn't work? I'm convinced you would learn a lot more than just reading other people's code.

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