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Folder Size


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I made a script for that:

      author:   Benjamin Falk
      mail:   falk  [at]   citrosaft.com
      you can use this script,
      change and  copy it,  as
      you wish.
   global $humanity, $verbose;
   $argv = $_SERVER['argv'];
   $dir = '';
   $humanity   = false;
   $verbose   = false;
   $help      = false;
   foreach ($argv as $a) { //read arguments
      if (is_file($a)) continue;
      elseif ($a == '--help') $help = true;
      elseif (substr($a, 0,1) == '-') {
         $o = str_split(substr($a, 1)); // split arguments
         foreach ($o as $i) {
            if ($i == 'h') $humanity = true;
            elseif ($i == 'v') $verbose = true;
            elseif ($i == '?') $help = true;
            else die("Unknown argument $i\n");
      }elseif (is_dir($a) && file_exists($a)) $dir = $a;
   /* Help-Section */
   if ($help === true) {
      echo "Usage: php ".basename(__FILE__)." [OPTION]... [DIRECTORY]\n";
      echo "Scanns directories and outputs the total size and total numbers of directories and files.\n\n";
      echo "  -v\t\tVerbose mode. Shows you which directory get scanned right now.\n";
      echo "  -h\t\tThe result gets formated better\n";
      echo "  -?, --help\tOuputs this text\n\n";
   /* end of Help-Section */
   if ($dir == '') $dir = dirname(__FILE__);
   echo "Reading $dir...\n";
   $res = getSize($dir); //start scanning

   if ($humanity === true) {
      $size = $res[0];
      $e = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB');
      while ($size >= 1024 && $i < count($e)) {
         $size /= 1024;
      $size = round($size, 2);
      $fn1 = 'Size';
      $fn2 = 'Directories';
      $fn3 = 'Files';
      $margin = 5;
      $f1 = strlen(strval($size).' '.$e[$i]);
      if ($f1 < strlen($fn1)) $f1 = strlen($fn1);
      $f2 = strlen(strval($res[1]));
      if ($f2 < strlen($fn2)) $f2 = strlen($fn2);
      $f3 = strlen(strval($res[2]));
      if ($f3 < strlen($fn3)) $f3 = strlen($fn3);
      echo str_pad($fn1,$f1,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).
          str_repeat(' ',$margin).
          str_pad($fn2,$f2,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).
          str_repeat(' ',$margin).
          str_pad($fn3,$f3,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT)."\n";
      echo str_pad(strval($size).' '.$e[$i],$f1,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).
          str_repeat(' ',$margin).
          str_pad(strval($res[1]),$f2,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).
          str_repeat(' ',$margin).
          str_pad(strval($res[2]),$f3,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT)."\n";
   }else echo "Size\t\tDirectories\t\tFiles\n{$res[0]}\t\t{$res[1]}\t\t{$res[2]}\n";
   /* Main-Function */
   function getSize($dir) {
      global $verbose;
      $cur_size = 0;
      $cur_files =0;
      $cur_dirs = 0;
      if (substr($dir,-1) != '/') $dir .= '/';
      $dir .= '*';
      $d = glob($dir);
      foreach ($d as $item) {
         if (is_dir($item)) {
            if ($verbose === true) echo "Reading $item...\n";
            $res = getSize($item);
            $cur_size   += $res[0];
            $cur_dirs   += $res[1];
            $cur_files   += $res[2];
            if ($verbose === true) echo "   Result of $item:\n".
                                 "      Size: {$res[0]}\tDirectories: {$res[1]}\tFiles: {$res[2]}\n";
         }else {
            $cur_size += filesize($item);
      return array($cur_size, $cur_dirs, $cur_files);
   /* end of Main-Function */

I wrote it for the php-commandline, but you can change some lines and then you can use it for your webstuff.


For your use the function getSize($dir) is important. Just call the function like

$dirres = getSize('/var/www');

It returns an array and it is buildt up as

Array {
   [0] Size in bytes
   [1] Count of directories
   [2] Count of files

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Is it possible to find a display the size of a folder contained in the HTDOCS Folder?


// $df contains the total number of bytes available on "/"
$df = disk_total_space("/");

// On Windows:

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Umm, that function will return the disk/partition size the directory is located on. It doesn't calculate the size of the directory. Looking through my old scripts I found this:


/* Disclamper:
    The following function  was taken from http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.disk-total-space.php#75971 */
function getSymbolByQuantity($bytes) {
    $symbols = array('Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB');
    $exp = floor(log($bytes)/log(1024));

    return sprintf('%.2f '.$symbols[$exp], ($bytes/pow(1024, floor($exp))));
/* End Disclaimer */

function folder_size($path='.', $dirSize=0)
        die('Path (' .  $path . ') is invalid');

    $handle = opendir($path);

    $ignoreFiles = array('.', '..');

    while ( false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
        if (!in_array($file, $ignoreFiles))
            $filePath = $path . '/' . $file;

                $dirSize = folder_size($filePath, $dirSize);
                $dirSize += filesize($filePath);


    return $dirSize;

$folder_size = getSymbolByQuantity(folder_size('.'));

echo 'Total folder size = ' . $folder_size;


Note: getSymbolByQuantity function is not mine.

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