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include function not working in other directories


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Hello, I successfully used the include function on http://mrconcreteblockhouse.com/index.php which has 2 include files:

<?php include("top.php"); ?>


<?php include("bottom.php"); ?>

The index works just fine.


However when I try to put the same code in http://mrconcreteblockhouse.com/f/found ... b.html.php it doesn't work.

I then tried placing copies of top.php and bottom.php in the same /f/ directory, but still doesn't show the top or bottom.


Then I tried defining the path to the directory:

<?php define('PATH', '/www/mrconcreteblockhouse/httpdocs/'); ?>

<?php include(PATH . "top.php"); ?>


Still doesn't work.

Any ideas?

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Your include file is assuming the file is on the same level.


If your script is in another folder, you have to adjust your include to allow for that.


If it is in the same folder, there is no reason why it wouldn't work.

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Your include file is assuming the file is on the same level.

If your script is in another folder, you have to adjust your include to allow for that.

If it is in the same folder, there is no reason why it wouldn't work.


Exactly. I have it top.php and bottom.php sitting in the same directory /f/

I don't see why it's not working.

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This is the way  I include things I want showing on every page regardless of where it lives in the directory structure.



Hi, so if I cut/paste that will it work, or do I need to make modifications, or move files to a particular directory/area?

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if top.php and bottom.php are in the root directory of your site they will work. Basically, the directory that serves your index page. If they are not there, then either move them there or adjust the path to them.


the superglobal $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] starts in the directory where your index page is served from.




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hmmm i would try....


include "../top.php"; //means go up a level and find top.php
include "../bottom.php";


If that doesnt work tell us the error wihch your getting


But if the page that is calling these is /services/some_service/index.php  that will look in /services ..    if these files are located at /top.php  & /bottom.php  then the ../ method will fail.


I fought with this exact thing for a long time. I wanted to find the equivalent of HTML's  /  "start at root" type path. Using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] was exactly that. Calling this with every include stopped every single include problem I had experienced.


Just my $.02 :)



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For every page that calls top.php/bottom.php use the relative path. So if you are in /index.php use include('top.php'); If you are in /subdir/page.php, use include('../top.php');


Then, inside top.php and bottom.php, if you need to include/access other files, use this method of getting to them:



  //include the functions


This way no matter where you include top.php from, it will work.

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what do you mean HTML equivalent? I see no HTML


Maybe you are looking for http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_base.asp ?


In HTML, you can denote a path as /path/to/a/folder. 


By using the / at the start, this tells HTML to start at root.


In php the closest thing I found is $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].


This allows me to add that to an include path and I NEVER have to worry about the path being wrong. I fought with this for a LONG TIME. This is the best solution I could come up with.






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