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adding reviews


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how do i make a mysql table variable for comments, so when poeple add their comments it shows up.......right now i can only have one comment per item and no one can add to it....


i am trying to make a review site where people can add items and review them and read other people's reviews as well...but i would like it all dynamically so i dnt' have to go in there and add review after review.




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Have you ever written a form that inserts data into a database?  The reason I ask is because once you write one you've sort of written them all, so it sounds like you've never done it before.


In which case the best thing to do would be to look for an online tutorial on how to generate an HTML form and insert the user's submission into a database.


After that, find a tutorial that shows you how to pull data from the database and display it.


Once you can do both of those things, creating a script where users can click on a 'Reply' or 'Comment' link should be trivial.

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hi have made those forms and have created a login form and become a member form...so that works.....but not sure how to create it so the specific reviews come up with the page and how the reviews can be seperated by rows....wont' it look like the review is from the same person?  i need some kind of distinction

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Well, how you separate them depends on your HTML and CSS.


For example, the following will draw dashed lines around the li tags of a ul with a class of reviews:

  <style type="text/css">
    ul.reviews li {
      border: dashed black 1px;


The HTML you generate would then be:

<ul class="reviews">
  <li>This product sucks!</li>
  <li>I love this item!</li>


As far as database goes, let's assume you're attaching reviews to items.


You need an items table with a couple of fields:

items: id, name


Then you need a reviews table with a couple of fields:

reviews: id, item_id, review


If you wanted to see reviews for a specific item, you'd set up a link that has the item_id as part of the url:



On reviews.php, you'd have some sort of code like:

  $item_id = $_GET['item_id'];
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM `reviews` WHERE `item_id`={$item_id}";
  $q = mysql_query($sql) or die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
  echo '<ul class="reviews">';
  while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
    echo '<li>' . $row['review'] . '</li>';
  echo '</ul>';


Those are the steps in the most basic form.  There's a lot of stuff left out, such as data validation.

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my email is melissa@foozago.com


please help...


i realize what you said about the select and stuff but it wouldnt' work when i tried doign it that way.., the select thing works the way i have it  maybe it's a cs3 thing?????


its at foogazo.com


if you type andover in the search bar you can see it wors just by typing select and the rest of the stuff.

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