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Make a tidier list


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  Im fairly new to php and was wondering if any one is able to shed some light on the following.


I used a form to database generator to provide a quoting system for insurance.


the page I have for the admin to view all quotes submitted by customers is a bit messy, as it will just display all customers details one after the other, eg:


first name: Joe

surname: bloggs

Car: fiesta


first name: John

surname: smith

car: Escort


etc etc.


I am looking to make this look like the following table:



The code i have for the list is as follows:

<a href="add.html">Add entry</a><br>



/// In order to use this script freely

/// you must leave the following copyright

/// information in this file:

/// Copyright 2006 www.turningturnip.co.uk

/// All rights reserved.




$query="SELECT * FROM motor_insuraction_quotation ";


$num = mysql_num_rows ($result);



if ($num > 0 ) {


while ($i < $num) {

$firstname = mysql_result($result,$i,"firstname");

$surname = mysql_result($result,$i,"surname");

$address = mysql_result($result,$i,"address");

$province = mysql_result($result,$i,"province");

$email = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");

$telephone = mysql_result($result,$i,"telephone");

$dd = mysql_result($result,$i,"dd");

$mm = mysql_result($result,$i,"mm");

$yyyy = mysql_result($result,$i,"yyyy");

$make = mysql_result($result,$i,"make");

$model = mysql_result($result,$i,"model");

$enginesize = mysql_result($result,$i,"enginesize");

$transmission = mysql_result($result,$i,"transmission");

$convertible = mysql_result($result,$i,"convertible");

$origin = mysql_result($result,$i,"origin");

$yearofmanufacture = mysql_result($result,$i,"yearofmanufacture");

$value = mysql_result($result,$i,"value");

$coverrequired = mysql_result($result,$i,"coverrequired");

$ncb = mysql_result($result,$i,"ncb");

$youngestdriver = mysql_result($result,$i,"youngestdriver");

$password = mysql_result($result,$i,"password");

$passreminder = mysql_result($result,$i,"passreminder");

$newsletter = mysql_result($result,$i,"newsletter");

$id = mysql_result($result,$i,"id");


echo "<b>FirstName:</b> $firstname<br>";

echo "<b>Surname:</b> $surname<br>";

echo "<b>Address:</b> $address<br>";

echo "<b>Province:</b> $province<br>";

echo "<b>Email:</b> $email<br>";

echo "<b>Telephone:</b> $telephone<br>";

echo "<b>dd:</b> $dd<br>";

echo "<b>mm:</b> $mm<br>";

echo "<b>yyyy:</b> $yyyy<br>";

echo "<b>Make:</b> $make<br>";

echo "<b>Model:</b> $model<br>";

echo "<b>EngineSize:</b> $enginesize<br>";

echo "<b>Transmission:</b> $transmission<br>";

echo "<b>Convertible:</b> $convertible<br>";

echo "<b>Origin:</b> $origin<br>";

echo "<b>YearOfManufacture:</b> $yearofmanufacture<br>";

echo "<b>Value:</b> $value<br>";

echo "<b>CoverRequired:</b> $coverrequired<br>";

echo "<b>NCB:</b> $ncb<br>";

echo "<b>YoungestDriver:</b> $youngestdriver<br>";

echo "<b>Password:</b> $password<br>";

echo "<b>PassReminder:</b> $passreminder<br>";

echo "<b>Newsletter:</b> $newsletter<br>";

echo "<a href=\"update.php?id=$id\">Update</a> - <a href=\"delete.php?id=$id\">Delete</a>";

echo "<br><br>";


++$i; } } else { echo "The database is empty"; }?>


Kind Regards


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Try this and throw your "generator" away.


include 'connect.php';

$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM motor_insuraction_quotation');
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
echo <<<EOF

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
	echo <<<EOF
	<td><!-- view --></td>
	<td><!-- delete --></td>
	<td><!-- update --></td>

echo <<<EOF

else {
echo 'Database is empty';

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Yes there is...But im not gonna write out the whole thing but ill give you the idea...

First your gonna make the top part of the table first then write your php script.


$query="SELECT * FROM motor_insuraction_quotation ";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo '<tr><td>'.$row['yourcolumnname'].'</td><td>'.$row['nextcolumnname'].'</td><td>';

..............and so on.

When ever you want to stop the text and put in a variable you need end it with a ' and to let php know your gonna put in a variable you put in a period .$your variable and then another . to end the variable and then you start the text alll over again with a '

after the php and the table.


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When ever you want to stop the text and put in a variable you need end it with a ' and to let php know your gonna put in a variable you put in a period .$your variable and then another . to end the variable and then you start the text alll over again with a '

It's called concatenation.

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