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page authentication system for corporate intranets


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Our corporate intranet's page authentication and credentialling system is ancient and not scalable so we are looking to either do a hack job and make it do what we need (which I am opposed to) or doing a new slick infinitely scalable version mirroring the logic behind security and groups in Active Directory (which I have created a flowchart and ERD for).


Of course my boss is opposed to doing the correct way do to time constraints and yada-yada-yada...  I'm thinking if there is already something written out there that does what the system I designed does then it would be an easier sell.  Basically each page in the system has a rule associated with it, users are members of groups which have rules associated with them.  When the login they inherit all the rules in the session, the pages with those rules populate in the navigation area, and each time they go to the page it verifies that they have the rule required to access the page.


Is there something out there already written (utilizing PHP/MySQL) that does this?  I briefly browsed phpclasses and sourceforge but couldn't find anything.



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