gemma134uk Posted March 7, 2008 Share Posted March 7, 2008 hi im new here just wondering if you guys can help me out ive got 2 buttons on my site and im trying to make them images instead the code is below $pl .= "</table>\n". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb\" value=\"" . $id ."\" />". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb_name\" value=\"" . $nzbname ."\" />". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzbvernum\" value=\"" . $nzbvernum ."\" />". "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Check all\" onClick=\"this.value=check(partnzb)\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:90px;height:25px;\" />"; if (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download Selected in Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" />". " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download Selected as NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" /></div><br /><br />\n"; } elseif (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("maxmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"; } else { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("partmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"; } $pl .= "<a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>". "</form>\n"; here is my whole nzbdetails.php <?php /*************************************************************************** * NZB Details Page * ======================================== * NZB Mod - Public v.TS-1.0b * TorrentStrike version * ======================================== * created by dodgy * * Special thanks to all who have had a hand in TBDev/TorrentStrike ***************************************************************************/ ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); ?> <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- Begin var checkflag = "false"; function check(field) { if (checkflag == "false") { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i].checked = true;} checkflag = "true"; return "Uncheck All"; } else { for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { field[i].checked = false; } checkflag = "false"; return "Check All"; } } // End --> </script> <? require_once("include/bittorrent.php"); include_once("imdb/imdb.class.php"); // ----- For display of row with missing segments: function missing_segments($segments, $subjseg) { if ($segments == $subjseg) $display = ">($segments/$subjseg)"; elseif ($segments < $subjseg) $display = " color=\"red\">($segments/$subjseg)"; elseif ($segments > $subseg) $display = " color=\"green\">($segments/$subjseg)"; return $display; } // ----- Cleans NZB Subjects (not finished - add your own): function clean_nzb_subj($string) { $string = str_replace(""", " ", $string); $string = str_replace("è", "e", $string); $string = str_replace(""", "\"", $string); $string = str_replace("_", " ", $string); return $string; } /* ---- To retrieve piece information from dB & display it on nzb page, with form that will record which pieces are selected by user & therefore which pieces will be retrieved. ---- */ function showpieces($id, $nzbname, $nzbvernum) { $pl = "<form name=\"partnzb\" action=\"partnzbdload.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n"; $pl .= "<table width=\"100%\" class=\"main\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n"; $pl .= "<tr><td width=\"3%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Dl?</td>". "<td class=\"colhead\">Subject</td>". "<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Size</td>". "<td width=\"8%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Date</td>". "<td width=\"6%\" class=\"colhead\" align=\"right\">Parts</td></tr>\n"; $piecelist = @mysql_query("SELECT nzb_piece, piece_date, piece_subject, piece_size, piece_segments, piece_subjseg FROM nzbpiecelist WHERE nzb = $id ORDER BY nzb_piece"); while ($plist = mysql_fetch_array($piecelist)) { // Convert date: $dateunix = $plist['piece_date']; $dateposted = date("Y-m-d G:i:s", $dateunix); // Segment display/calculation: $segments = 0 + $plist['piece_segments']; $subjseg = 0 + $plist['piece_subjseg']; // the rows: $pl .= "<tr><td>".(getNzbPermissions("part")==1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")?"<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"nzbpieces[]\" ". "value=\"" . $plist['nzb_piece'] . "\" />":"")."</td>". "<td><font class=\"small\">" . safe(clean_nzb_subj($plist['piece_subject'])) . "</font></td>". "<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" . mksize($plist['piece_size']) . "</font></td>". "<td align=right><font class=\"small\">" . $dateposted . "</font></td>". "<td align=right><font class=\"small\"" . missing_segments($segments, $subjseg) . "</font></td></tr>\n"; } $pl .= "</table>\n". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb\" value=\"" . $id ."\" />". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzb_name\" value=\"" . $nzbname ."\" />". "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nzbvernum\" value=\"" . $nzbvernum ."\" />". "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Check all\" onClick=\"this.value=check(partnzb)\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:90px;height:25px;\" />"; if (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download Selected in Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" />". " <input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download Selected as NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:200px;height:25px;\" /></div><br /><br />\n"; } elseif (getNzbPermissions("part") == 1 && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("maxmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"; } else { $pl .= "<br /><div align=\"center\">".getNzbPermissions("partmsg")."</div><br /><br />\n"; } $pl .= "<a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>". "</form>\n"; return $pl; } loggedinorreturn(); $id = 0 + $_GET["id"]; if (!isset($id) || !$id) die(); $res = mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id") or sqlerr(); /* $res = mysql_query("SELECT nzbs.owner,, nzbs.descr, nzbs.category, LENGTH(nzbs.nfo)AS nfosz, nzbs.filename, nzbs.size, nzbs.numfiles, nzbs.poster, nzbs.postdate, nzbs.groups,, nzbs.added, nzbs.views, nzbs.hits,, nzbs.partotsize, nzbs.nzbvernum, nzbs.autoimdb, nzbs.url, nzbs.imdbrating, nzbs.genre, nzbs.addtext, nzbs.format, AS cat_name, users.username, users.advertisename FROM nzbs LEFT JOIN nzbcategories ON nzbs.category = LEFT JOIN users ON nzbs.owner = WHERE = $id") or sqlerr(); // USE THIS QUERY IF ANONYMOUS UPLOADER MOD PRESENT */ $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); // -------------------------------Auto IMDB Mod--------------------------------------------// if ($row["autoimdb"] == "yes") { if (($row["url"] != "")AND(strpos($row["url"], "imdb"))AND(strpos($row["url"], "title"))) { $thenumbers = ltrim(strrchr($row["url"],'tt'),'tt'); $thenumbers = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "", $thenumbers); $movie = new imdb ($thenumbers); $movieid = $thenumbers; $movie->setid ($movieid); $country = $movie->country (); $director = $movie->director(); $write = $movie->writing(); //$produce = $movie->producer(); $cast = $movie->cast(); $plot = $movie->plot (); $genres = $movie->genres (); $photoremurl = $movie->photo (); if ($photoremurl) { $autodata = "[img=".$photoremurl."]"; } $autodata .= "[img=pic/sml_info.gif]"; // This'll also be useful for storage further down: $movtitle = (string) $movie->title (); $movtitle = str_replace(array(""", "&", "[", "]"), array("\"", "&", "(", ")"), $movtitle); $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Title: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$movtitle."[/color][/b]\n"; $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Alt Titles : [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] "; if ($movie->alsoknow() != "") { foreach ( $movie->alsoknow() as $ak){ $autodata .= "".str_replace(array(""", "[", "]"), array("\"", "(", ")"), $ak["title"])."" . "".$ak["year"]."" . "".$ak["country"]."" . " (" . "".$ak["comment"]."" . ")" . ", "; } } $autodata .= "[/color][/b]\n[b][color=DimGray] Year: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$movie->year ()."[/color][/b]\n"; $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Runtime: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$movie->runtime ()."" . " mins[/color][/b]\n"; // store rating for later use $movrating = $movie->rating (); $desc_rating = ($movrating == ""?"Not Yet Rated":$movrating); $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] User Rating: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$desc_rating."[/color][/b]\n"; $desc_votes = (string) $movie->votes (); $desc_votes = (strlen($desc_votes)>7?substr($desc_votes,0, 7):$desc_votes); $desc_votes = str_replace(array(""", "&", "[", "]"), array("\"", "&", "(", ")"), $desc_votes); $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Votes: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$desc_votes."[/color][/b]\n"; $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Language: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] " . "".$movie->language ()."[/color][/b]\n"; $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Country: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] "; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($country); $i++) { $autodata .= "$country[$i]"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count ($genres); $i++) { $the_genres .= "$genres[$i] "; } $autodata .= "[/color][/b]\n[b][color=DimGray] Genre: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue]" . "".$the_genres."[/color][/b]\n"; $tagline = $movie->tagline (); $tagline = str_replace(array(""", "&", "[", "]"), array("\"", "&", "(", ")"), $tagline); $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Tagline: [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue] ".$tagline."[/color][/b]\n"; $autodata .= "[b][color=DimGray] Director(s): [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue]"; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($director); $i++) { $autodata .= "[url=" . "".$director[$i]["imdb"]."" ."]" . "".$director[$i]["name"]."" . "[/url] "; } $autodata .= "[/color][/b]\n[b][color=DimGray] Writer(s): [/color][/b]"; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($write); $i++) { $autodata .= "[url=" . "".$write[$i]["imdb"]."" ."]" . "".$write[$i]["name"]."" . "[/url] "; } $autodata .= "\n[b][color=DimGray] Trailer (if any): [/color][color=DarkSlateBlue][url=$thenumbers/trailers]Click here[/url][/color][/b]"; /* $autodata .= "\n[b][color=DimGray] Producer(s): [/color][/b]"; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($produce); $i++) { $autodata .= "[url=" . "".$produce[$i]["imdb"]."" ."]" . "".$produce[$i]["name"]."" . "[/url] "; } */ $autodata .= "\n\n\n[img=pic/sml_desc.gif]"; // $autodata .= "[b][color=darkred] Plot Outline: [/color][/b]"; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($plot); $i++) { $the_plot .= "$plot[$i]"; } if ($the_plot == "") $the_plot = "No plot summary available"; // If you're wondering what this $big_letter is for, it's something I did for BB-Code on Drugs, coming soon $big_letter = substr($the_plot, 0, 1); $rest_of_plot = substr($the_plot, 1); $rest_of_plot = str_replace(array("[", "]"), array("(", ")"), $rest_of_plot); $autodata .= str_replace(""", "\"", "[color=DimGray][b]".$big_letter."".strip_tags($rest_of_plot)."[/b][/color]"); $autodata .= "\n\n\n\n[img=pic/sml_cast.gif]"; for ($i = 0; $i < count ($cast); $i++) { if ($i > 9) { break; } $autodata .= "[color=DimGray]•[/color] " . "[url=" . "".$cast[$i]["imdb"]."" ."]" . "".$cast[$i]["name"]."" . "[/url] " . " as [b][color=DimGray]" . "".$cast[$i]["role"]."" . " [/color][/b]\n"; } $autodata .= "\n\n\n"; // to update nzbs table fields on upload/edit $checkme = 0; if (($row["imdbrating"] == "" && $row["genre"] == "") || !empty($_GET["edited"])) { // get some variables to update database $movyear = (string) $movie->year (); $movgenre = (string) $movie->genre (); $movietitle = sqlesc($movtitle." ($movyear)"); $moviegenre = sqlesc(substr($movgenre, 0, 20)); $movrating = ($movrating == ""?"NYR":$movrating); $movierating = sqlesc(strval($movrating)); mysql_query("UPDATE nzbs SET name = $movietitle, imdbrating = $movierating, genre = $moviegenre WHERE id = ".$row["id"]); $checkme = 1; } if ($_GET["uploaded"] && $checkme == 1) header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=".$row["id"]."&uploaded=1"); if ($_GET["edited"] && $checkme == 1) header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=".$row["id"]."&edited=1"); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// $owned = $moderator = 0; if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) $owned = $moderator = 1; elseif ($CURUSER["id"] == $row["owner"]) $owned = 1; if ($_GET["hit"]) { mysql_query("UPDATE nzbs SET views = views + 1 WHERE id = $id"); if ($_GET["tocomm"]) header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&page=0#startcomments"); elseif ($_GET["filelist"]) header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id&filelist=1#filelist"); else header("Location: $BASEURL/nzbdetails.php?id=$id"); exit(); } if (!isset($_GET["page"])) { stdhead("Details for nzb \"" . $row["name"] . "\""); $spacer = " "; if ($_GET["uploaded"]) { print("<h2>Successfully uploaded!</h2>\n"); } elseif ($_GET["edited"]) { print("<h2>Successfully edited!</h2>\n"); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) print("<p><b>Go back to <a href=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\">whence you came</a>.</b></p>\n"); } elseif (isset($_GET["searched"])) { print("<h2>Your search for \"" . safe($_GET["searched"]) . "\" gave a single result:</h2>\n"); } $addtext = safe($row["addtext"])." "; $format = ($row["format"]!="na"?" <img src=\"".$pic_base_url."sml_".$row["format"].".gif\" alt=\"".$row["format"]."\" />":""); $s=$row["name"]; print("<h1>$s</h1>\n"); print("<h3>.: $addtext $format :.</h3><br /><br />\n"); print("<table width=\"750\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n"); $url = "nzbedit.php?id=" . $row["id"]; if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) { $addthis = "&returnto=" . urlencode($_GET["returnto"]); $url .= $addthis; $keepget .= $addthis; } $editlink = "a href=\"$url\" class=\"sublink\""; // Get permissions for download link display if ((getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1 || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] < getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { print("<form action=\"nzbdownload.php/$id/" . rawurlencode($row["name"]) . ".nzb\" method=\"post\">"); print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">"); if (getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1) print("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlzip\" value=\"Download As Zip File\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />"); if (getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) print(" <input type=\"submit\" name=\"dlnzb\" value=\"Download As NZB\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:150px;height:25px;\" />"); print(" "); print("</td></tr>"); print("</form>\n"); } elseif ((getNzbPermissions("zip") == 1 || getNzbPermissions("nzb") == 1) && $CURUSER["nzbstodaydl"] >= getNzbPermissions("maxdlpday")) { print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">"); print(getNzbPermissions("maxmsg")."</td></tr>"); } else { print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" width=\"1%\">Download</td><td width=\"99%\" align=\"center\">"); print(getNzbPermissions("nzbmsg")."</td></tr>"); } if (!empty($row["descr"])) $descr = $row["descr"]; else $descr = " "; $autodata = ($row["autoimdb"] == "yes"?format_comment($autodata)."":""); $descri = format_comment($descr); tr("Description", $autodata."".$descri, 1); if ($row["nfosz"] > 0) print("<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" align=\"right\">NFO</td><td align=\"left\">".(getNzbPermissions("nfo") != 0?"<a href=nzbviewnfo.php?id=$row[id]><b>View NFO</b></a> (" . mksize($row["nfosz"]) . ")":getNzbPermissions("nfomsg"))."</td></tr>\n"); if ($row["url"] != "") tr("Info URL", format_urls(safe($row["url"])), 1); if (isset($row["cat_name"])) tr("Type", $row["cat_name"]); else tr("Type", "(none selected)"); if ($row["autoimdb"] == "no" && $row["genre"] != "") tr("Genre", safe($row["genre"]), 1); tr("Size",mksize($row["size"]) . " (" . number_format($row["size"]) . " bytes)"); tr("Poster", $row["poster"]); $datenix = $row["postdate"]; $agepost = show_age($datenix); $datepost = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $datenix); tr("Posted", $datepost." ($agepost days ago)"); $groups = unserialize($row['groups']); if (is_array($groups)) { $grp = ""; foreach ($groups as $key=>$val) { $grp .= "$val\n"; } } else { $grp = $groups; } tr("Groups", safe($grp)); if ($row["pars"] > 0) { $percentpars = sprintf( "%.2f", (($row["partotsize"] / ($row["size"] - $row["partotsize"])) * 100)); } tr("par2 Files", ($row['pars'] == 0?"None":$row['pars'].", ".mksize($row["partotsize"])." in total (Can rebuild approx $percentpars% of total filesize)")); tr("NZB Added", $row["added"]); tr("Views", $row["views"]); tr("Grabs", $row["hits"]); $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); /* USE ABOVE ^^^ OR BELOW vvv DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU HAVE THE ANONYMOUS UPLOADER MOD */ /* $addnam = $row['advertisename']; $keepget = ""; $uprow = ("<i>Anonymous</i>"); if (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR) $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); if ($addnam == "yes") $uprow = (isset($row["username"]) ? ("<a href=userdetails.php?id=" . $row["owner"] . "><b>" . safe($row["username"]) . "</b></a>") : "<i>unknown</i>"); */ if ($owned) $uprow .= " $spacer<$editlink><b>[Edit this NZB]</b></a>"; tr("Upped by", $uprow, 1); //tr("Report<br />NZB", "Click <a href=\"report.php?typ=nzb&id=$id\"><b><font color=\"#ff0532\">here</font></b></a> to report this NZB to staff for violation of the rules", 1); if (!$_GET["filelist"]) { tr("Num files<br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id&filelist=1$keepget#filelist\" class=\"sublink\">[see full list]</a>", $row["numfiles"] . " files", 1); } else { tr("Num files", $row["numfiles"] . " files", 1); tr("<a name=\"filelist\">File list</a><br /><a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id$keepget\" class=\"sublink\">[Hide list]</a>", showpieces($id, $row["name"], $row['nzbvernum']), 1); } print("</table></p>\n"); /* The comparison value of '0' with $datenix is so that failed uploads with no nzbs.datepost value can be deleted by the uploader */ if (($datenix!=0) && (get_user_class() >= UC_MODERATOR)) { print("<p>\n"); print("<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n"); print("<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n"); print("<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>"); // print("<td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"1\"> Expired </td><td>$SITENZBRETENTION days old</td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"2\"> Dupe</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"3\"> Nuked</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\"></td></tr>\n"); print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"4\"> Rules</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>"); print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"radio\" value=\"5\" checked=\"checked\" /> Other:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n"); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n"); print("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n"); print("</table>"); print("</form>\n"); print("</p>\n"); } elseif (($datenix==0) && (getNzbPermissions("ulnzb")==1)) { print("<p>\n"); print("<form method=\"post\" action=\"nzbdelete.php\">\n"); print("<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">\n"); print("<tr><td class=\"row2\" colspan=\"2\"><b>Delete Failed NZB.</b> Reason:</td></tr>"); print("<tr><td><input name=\"reasontype\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"5\" /> What happened?:</td><td><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" name=\"reason[]\">(req)</td></tr>\n"); print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\" />\n"); if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) print("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . safe($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />\n"); print("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete it!\" class=\"codebuttons\" style=\"width:120px;height:25px;\" /></td></tr>\n"); print("</table>"); print("</form>\n"); print("</p>\n"); } } else { stdhead("Comments for NZB \"" . $row["name"] . "\""); print("<h1>Comments for <a href=\"nzbdetails.php?id=$id\">" . $row["name"] . "</a></h1>\n"); } print("<p><a name=\"startcomments\"></a></p>\n"); $commentbar = "<p align=\"center\"><a class=\"index\" href=\"nzbcomment.php?action=add&tid=$id\">Add a comment</a></p>\n"; $subres = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nzbcomments WHERE nzb = $id"); $subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres); $count = $subrow[0]; if (!$count) { print("<h2>No comments yet</h2>\n"); } else { list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager(20, $count, "nzbdetails.php?id=$id&", array(lastpagedefault => 1)); $subres = mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ". "username, title, class, donor FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " . "$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); /* USE ABOVE ^^^ OR BELOW vvv DEPENDING ON WHETHER YOU HAVE THE ANONYMOUS UPLOADER MOD */ /* $subres = mysql_query("SELECT, text, user, nzbcomments.added, editedby, editedat, avatar, warned, ". "username, title, class, donor, advertisename FROM nzbcomments LEFT JOIN users ON nzbcomments.user = WHERE nzb = " . "$id ORDER BY $limit") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); */ $allrows = array(); while ($subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres)) $allrows[] = $subrow; print($commentbar); print($pagertop); nzbcommenttable($allrows, $row["owner"]); print($pagerbottom); } print($commentbar); stdfoot(); ?> any help would be much appreciated thank you gemma x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueSkyIS Posted March 7, 2008 Share Posted March 7, 2008 i'm not sure what you're asking. do you want to replace your form submit buttons with images and have the images act like submit buttons? if so, all you need to do is use the image input instead: <input type="image" src="rainbow.gif" name="image" width="60" height="60"> that will display the image rainbow.gif, which will be clickable to submit the form. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gemma134uk Posted March 7, 2008 Author Share Posted March 7, 2008 hi yes that is exactly what i meen thank you but when i use code you just gave me it makes my page go blank? is there anychance you can put it in the nzbdetails.php ive posted above and paste it for me incase im doing it wrong? thanks again gemma x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
conker87 Posted March 7, 2008 Share Posted March 7, 2008 <input type=\"image\" src=\"rainbow.gif\" name=\"image\" width=\"60\" height=\"60\"> Remember to escape quotes! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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