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Working with variables on select


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HI there,


I'm a complete noobie, so I apologize in advance for any ignorance/stupidity  :)


I have a database with 5 fields:



Phone number





I want to be able to search using 1,2,3,4 or 5 of the fields above.  My question is how do I structure my select statement if I've only filled in name and city, for example?  I don't think this will work:


$query="SELECT*FROM contacts WHERE name='$name' phone='$phone' addr='$addr' city='$city' zip='$zip';


If I've only filled in 2 of the 5 fields, correct?


thanks in advance,



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you could make some php code like this

$where[]="name = '{$name}'";
$where[]="name = '{$name}'";
$where[]="addr = '{$addr}'";
$where[]="city = '{$city}'";
$where[]="zip = '{$zip}'";
$where=implode(' AND ',$where);
$query='SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE '.$where;

i think that should work



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EDIT: Too slow beaten to it :(

Build the query dynamically, eg:

    if(!empty($_POST['name']) && trim($_POST['name']) != '')
        $name = ($_POST['name']);
        $where_clause[] = "name='$name'";

    if(is_numeric($_POST['phone']) && trim($_POST['phone']) != '')
        $phone = $_POST['phone'];
        $where_clause[] = "phone='$phone'";

    if(!empty($_POST['addr']) && trim($_POST['addr']) != '')
        $addr = ($_POST['addr']);
        $where_clause[] = "addr='$addr'";

    if(!empty($_POST['city']) && trim($_POST['city']) != '')
        $city = ($_POST['city']);
        $where_clause[] = "city='$city'";

    if(!empty($_POST['zip']) && trim($_POST['zip']) != '')
        $zip = ($_POST['zip']);
        $where_clause[] = "zip='$zip'";

    if(is_array($where_clause) && count($where_clause) != 0)
        $wc = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_clause);

    $query = 'SELECT * FROM contacts ' . $wc;

    echo '<pre>' . $query . '</pre>';

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Just thought i'd add my example; this way uses "POST" vars from a user submitted form, and stops mysql injection



// connect to mysql

// Initially set the array
$vars = Array();

// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['name'])){ $vars[] =  "`name`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['name'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['phone'])){ $vars[] =  "`phone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['phone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['addr'])){ $vars[] =  "`addr`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['addr'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['city'])){ $vars[] =  "`city`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['city'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['zip'])){ $vars[] =  "`zip`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['zip'])."'"; }

// If user did not submit any queries...
if(!isset($vars[0])){ exit("Please Choose At Least One Filter"); }

// Count how many where queries is requested
if(count($vars) > 1){      // If there is more than 1 where query then 'implode' the array with " and ", (convert to str and insert " and " between each item)
      $where = "WHERE ".implode(" and ",$vars);
}else{      // Otherwise assume there is only 1 where query
      $where = "WHERE ".$vars[0];

// Make the Query
$query="SELECT*FROM contacts $where LIMIT 30";



hope this helps,

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Thanks again for all of your help.  After trying each suggestion, I got the farthest with uniflare's.  But I'm not quite there yet...


I start with an html file that looks like this:


Enter your search criteria in the appropriate field below.

<form method="post" action="junk2a.php">
First Name: <input type="text" name="sfirst"><br>
Last Name: <input type="text" name="slast"><br>
Phone: <input type="text" name="sphone"><br>
Mobile: <input type="text" name="smobile"><br>
Fax: <input type="text" name="sfax"><br>
E-mail: <input type="text" name="semail"><br>
Web: <input type="text" name="sweb"><br>




Here's a copy of the php code I'm using.  I added some echo statements to uniflare's code to help me get a sense of how far I'm getting before things fail:


//this script outputs the data in table format.

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$vars = Array();

// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['slast'])){ $vars[] =  "`slast`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sphone'])){ $vars[] =  "`sphone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['smobile'])){ $vars[] =  "`smobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sfax'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['semail'])){ $vars[] =  "`semail`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sweb'])){ $vars[] =  "`sweb`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'"; }

echo "value of sfirst is $sfirst<br>" ;
echo "value of slast is $slast<br>" ;
echo "value of sphone is $sphone<br>" ;
echo "value of smobile is $smobile<br>" ;
echo "value of sfax is $sfax<br>" ;
echo "value of semail is $semail<br>" ;
echo "value of sweb is $sweb<br>" ;
echo "value of vars is $vars<br>" ;

// If user did not submit any queries...
if(!isset($vars[0])){ exit("Please Choose At Least One Filter"); }

// Count how many where queries is requested
if(count($vars) > 1){      // If there is more than 1 where query then 'implode' the array with " and ", (convert to str and insert " and " between each item)
echo "vars was greater than 1<br>" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".implode(" and ",$vars);
}else{      // Otherwise assume there is only 1 where query
echo "vars was less than 1<br>" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".$vars[0];

echo "the value of where is $where<br>" ;
// Make the Query
$query="SELECT*FROM contacts $where LIMIT 30";

echo "result is $result" ;



echo "<b><center>Database Output</center></b><br><br>";

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Name</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Phone</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mobile</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fax</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">E-mail</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Website</font></th>

while ($i < $num) {


//echo "<b>$first $last</b><br>Phone: $phone<br>Mobile: $mobile<br>Fax: $fax<br>E-mail: $email<br>Web: $web<br><hr><br>";

<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $first." ".$last; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $phone; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $mobile; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $fax; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $email; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $web; ?></font></td>


echo "</table>";



When I enter a last name that I know is in the database, this is what I get:


[pre]value of sfirst is

value of slast is roberts

value of sphone is

value of smobile is

value of sfax is

value of semail is

value of sweb is

value of vars is Array

vars was greater than 1

the value of where is WHERE `sfirst`='' and `slast`='roberts' and `sphone`='' and `smobile`='' and `sfax`='' and `semail`='' and `sweb`=''

result is



Database Output



Name Phone Mobile Fax E-mail Website



So the php script shows me the name I entered, but it's not returning the record and it thinks there was more than 1 var entered.


Thanks in advance for your patience!




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try changing


if(isset($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }




if(isset($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  (!empty($_POST['sfirst']))?"`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'":""; }


apply same logic to all (note the (!empty($_POST['sfirst']))? at the start and :"" at the end)



also a debug tip


echo "value of vars is $vars<br>" ;


echo "value of vars is ";
echo "<br>" ;

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Thanks for your help and thanks for the tip re: print_r ;)


While my output did change a little, I'm still getting essentially the same result:



value of sfirst is

value of slast is roberts

value of sphone is

value of smobile is

value of sfax is

value of semail is

value of sweb is

value of vars is Array ( [0] => [1] => `slast`='roberts' [2] => [3] => [4] => [5] => [6] => )

vars was greater than 1

value of where is WHERE and `slast`='roberts' and and and and and

result is

Database Output



Name Phone Mobile Fax E-mail Website



Weird how it thinks there's more than 1 var entered...



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hey, no worries! ;)


When I use that modified code, I get a blank page, so i guess it's bombing right off the top.  Here's that block of code:


if(isset($_POST['sfirst']) && !empty($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['slast']) && !empty($_POST['slast'])){ $vars[] =  "`slast`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['sphone']) && !empty($_POST['sphone'])){ $vars[] =  "`sphone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['smobile']) && !empty($_POST['smobile'])){ $vars[] =  "`smobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['sfax']) && !empty($_POST['sfax'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['semail']) && !empty($_POST['semail'])){ $vars[] =  "`semail`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'" }
if(isset($_POST['sweb']) && !empty($_POST['sweb'])){ $vars[] =  "`sweb`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'" }



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Try this bud:


//this script outputs the data in table format.

@mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$vars = Array();

// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['sfirst']) && $_POST['sfirst'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['slast']) && $_POST['slast'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`slast`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sphone']) && $_POST['sphone'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`sphone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['smobile']) && $_POST['smobile'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`smobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sfax']) && $_POST['sfax'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`sfax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['semail']) && $_POST['semail'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`semail`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sweb']) && $_POST['sweb'] != null){ $vars[] =  "`sweb`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'"; }

// echo "value of sfirst is $sfirst<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of slast is $slast<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sphone is $sphone<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of smobile is $smobile<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sfax is $sfax<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of semail is $semail<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sweb is $sweb<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of vars is $vars<br>\n" ;

// If user did not submit any queries...
if(!isset($vars[0])){ exit("Please Choose At Least One Filter"); }

// Count how many where queries is requested
if(count($vars) > 1){      // If there is more than 1 where query then 'implode' the array with " and ", (convert to str and insert " and " between each item)
//echo "vars was greater than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".implode(" and ",$vars);
}else{      // Otherwise assume there is only 1 where query
//echo "vars was less than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".$vars[0];

//echo "the value of where is $where<br>\n" ;
// Make the Query
$query="SELECT * FROM `contacts` $where LIMIT 30";

$result = mysql_query($query);
echo("result is: "); print_r($result);echo("<br />\n");



echo "<b><center>Database Output</center></b><br><br>";

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Name</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Phone</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mobile</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fax</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">E-mail</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Website</font></th>

while ($i < $num) {

$first =m ysql_result($result,$i,"first");
$last = mysql_result($result,$i,"last");
$phone = mysql_result($result,$i,"phone");
$mobile = mysql_result($result,$i,"mobile");
$fax = mysql_result($result,$i,"fax");
$email = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");
$web = mysql_result($result,$i,"web");

//echo "<b>$first $last</b><br>Phone: $phone<br>Mobile: $mobile<br>Fax: $fax<br>E-mail: $email<br>Web: $web<br><hr><br>";

<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $first." ".$last; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $phone; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $mobile; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $fax; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $email; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $web; ?></font></td>


echo "</table>";



Blank page usually means an error somewhere that is not being displayed, eg:


put error_reporting("E_ALL^E_NOTICE"); at the start of your script, if not works then try:

ini_set("error_reporting","E_ALL"); at start  :)


hope this helps,  ;)

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uniflare....thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still getting a blank page...even with the error reporting statement in there.  Do you know if php makes a log file that I can check to see what it may be complaining about?





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check your apache folder for a folder called "logs" and open "error.log".


also, put an exit function at the start of the page like so: exit("test");


then if that works move the function further down the script, if it works repeat until you can find the bad area.


hope this helps,

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try this


//this script outputs the data in table format.

mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$vars = Array();

// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['sfirst']) && !empty($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['slast']) && !empty($_POST['slast'])){ $vars[] =  "`slast`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sphone']) && !empty($_POST['sphone'])){ $vars[] =  "`sphone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['smobile']) && !empty($_POST['smobile'])){ $vars[] =  "`smobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sfax']) && !empty($_POST['sfax'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['semail']) && !empty($_POST['semail'])){ $vars[] =  "`semail`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sweb']) && !empty($_POST['sweb'])){ $vars[] =  "`sweb`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'"; }

// echo "value of sfirst is $sfirst<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of slast is $slast<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sphone is $sphone<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of smobile is $smobile<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sfax is $sfax<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of semail is $semail<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sweb is $sweb<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of vars is $vars<br>\n" ;

// If user did not submit any queries...
if(!isset($vars[0])){ exit("Please Choose At Least One Filter"); }

// Count how many where queries is requested
if(count($vars) > 1){      // If there is more than 1 where query then 'implode' the array with " and ", (convert to str and insert " and " between each item)
//echo "vars was greater than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".implode(" and ",$vars);
}else{      // Otherwise assume there is only 1 where query
//echo "vars was less than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".$vars[0];

//echo "the value of where is $where<br>\n" ;
// Make the Query
$query="SELECT * FROM `contacts` $where LIMIT 30";

$result = mysql_query($query);
echo("result is: "); print_r($result);echo("<br />\n");



echo "<b><center>Database Output</center></b><br><br>";

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Name</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Phone</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mobile</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fax</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">E-mail</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Website</font></th>

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$first = $row["first"];
$last = $row["last"];
$phone = $row["phone"];
$mobile = $row["mobile"];
$fax = $row["fax"];
$email = $row["email"];
$web = $row["web"];

/*personal dislike of this style of code
while ($i < $num)
$first =mysql_result($result,$i,"first");
$last = mysql_result($result,$i,"last");
$phone = mysql_result($result,$i,"phone");
$mobile = mysql_result($result,$i,"mobile");
$fax = mysql_result($result,$i,"fax");
$email = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");
$web = mysql_result($result,$i,"web");*/

//echo "<b>$first $last</b><br>Phone: $phone<br>Mobile: $mobile<br>Fax: $fax<br>E-mail: $email<br>Web: $web<br><hr><br>";

<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $first." ".$last; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $phone; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $mobile; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $fax; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $email; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $web; ?></font></td>

//$i++; //noted needed
} // close while


echo "</table>";


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Sorry I took so long getting back...Been swamped with stuff at work....


Thanks again for all of your patience and help.  Looking at the error log, I was able to determine that I had a space in my code where there shouldn't be one:


$first =m ysql_result($result,$i,"first");


I got that fixed up, and using MadT's latest suggestion of code, I'm still not getting anything returned from my database:



result is:

Database Output



Name Phone Mobile Fax E-mail Website




I'm searching on the last name of "roberts" ... I just double checked my database and I have 2 records in there with the last name of "roberts"





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need more info..

try this code with the debug code (it should help)

//this script outputs the data in table format.

mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database");

$vars = Array();

// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['sfirst']) && !empty($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfirst`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['slast']) && !empty($_POST['slast'])){ $vars[] =  "`slast`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sphone']) && !empty($_POST['sphone'])){ $vars[] =  "`sphone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['smobile']) && !empty($_POST['smobile'])){ $vars[] =  "`smobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sfax']) && !empty($_POST['sfax'])){ $vars[] =  "`sfax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['semail']) && !empty($_POST['semail'])){ $vars[] =  "`semail`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sweb']) && !empty($_POST['sweb'])){ $vars[] =  "`sweb`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'"; }

// echo "value of sfirst is $sfirst<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of slast is $slast<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sphone is $sphone<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of smobile is $smobile<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sfax is $sfax<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of semail is $semail<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of sweb is $sweb<br>\n" ;
// echo "value of vars is $vars<br>\n" ;

// If user did not submit any queries...
if(!isset($vars[0])){ exit("Please Choose At Least One Filter"); }

// Count how many where queries is requested
if(count($vars) > 1){      // If there is more than 1 where query then 'implode' the array with " and ", (convert to str and insert " and " between each item)
//echo "vars was greater than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".implode(" and ",$vars);
}else{      // Otherwise assume there is only 1 where query
//echo "vars was less than 1<br>\n" ;
      $where = "WHERE ".$vars[0];

//echo "the value of where is $where<br>\n" ;
// Make the Query
$query="SELECT * FROM `contacts` $where LIMIT 30";

//added debug code
echo "<pre>";
echo $where;
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("SQL='$query' <br> ".mysql_error());
//end debug code
echo("result is: "); print_r($result);echo("<br />\n");



echo "<b><center>Database Output</center></b><br><br>";

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Name</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Phone</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Mobile</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Fax</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">E-mail</font></th>
<th><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Website</font></th>

while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
$first = $row["first"];
$last = $row["last"];
$phone = $row["phone"];
$mobile = $row["mobile"];
$fax = $row["fax"];
$email = $row["email"];
$web = $row["web"];

/*personal dislike of this style of code
while ($i < $num)
$first =mysql_result($result,$i,"first");
$last = mysql_result($result,$i,"last");
$phone = mysql_result($result,$i,"phone");
$mobile = mysql_result($result,$i,"mobile");
$fax = mysql_result($result,$i,"fax");
$email = mysql_result($result,$i,"email");
$web = mysql_result($result,$i,"web");*/

//echo "<b>$first $last</b><br>Phone: $phone<br>Mobile: $mobile<br>Fax: $fax<br>E-mail: $email<br>Web: $web<br><hr><br>";

<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $first." ".$last; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $phone; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $mobile; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $fax; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $email; ?></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><? echo $web; ?></font></td>

//$i++; //noted needed
} // close while


echo "</table>";


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if yuou have no errors but your resulting page is not what is intended you need to exit certain variables to check they are what ehy are meant to be, eg:


add an echo($query); after setting the $query variable to mke sure the query is what you expected... if it is then try it in phpmyadmin or a test script and fiddle with it until it works, then change the code accordingly.


this is a general debbugging tip to make sure the variables are being set and used correctly...

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Here's what I get using your debug code:



WHERE `slast`='roberts'



    [0] => `slast`='roberts'



SQL='SELECT * FROM `contacts` WHERE `slast`='roberts' LIMIT 30'

Unknown column 'slast' in 'where clause'



"slast" is the variable I use in my search.html file, but in my database the variable is called "last"  Am I correct in thinking that the where clause is getting confused because it's looking in my database for the "slast" field...which is not there?





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you are exactly corect, try this instead


// Append to the array, the variable 'where' query, if the variable exists.
if(isset($_POST['sfirst']) && !empty($_POST['sfirst'])){ $vars[] =  "`first`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfirst'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['slast']) && !empty($_POST['slast'])){ $vars[] =  "`last`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['slast'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sphone']) && !empty($_POST['sphone'])){ $vars[] =  "`phone`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sphone'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['smobile']) && !empty($_POST['smobile'])){ $vars[] =  "`mobile`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['smobile'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sfax']) && !empty($_POST['sfax'])){ $vars[] =  "`fax`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sfax'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['semail']) && !empty($_POST['semail'])){ $vars[] =  "`email`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['semail'])."'"; }
if(isset($_POST['sweb']) && !empty($_POST['sweb'])){ $vars[] =  "`web`='".mysql_escape_string($_POST['sweb'])."'"; }


if you notice i changed the strings only.

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