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database edit??


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i have managed (not sure how!!??) to code most of a cms system for personal use...


i have a small problem but not entirely sure on how to repair this..


when i add a product to my data base i select a manufacturer;


if my manufacturer name is one word then everything is ok, for example:


Fish - no problem.


but if i add a product and select the manufacturer "soft corals" from a pull down menu (data selected from manufacturers table) and click save it views the manufacturer as "soft corals". when i select the edit.php page and click save but dont change the manufacturer, it renames the "soft corals" to "soft" and i have no idea why??? it onle seems to do this when the manufacturer is 2 words long???



What code do i need to post up?? add.php or edit.php???

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apologies for the messy html etc.. but wasnt aware of this problem before i added all the html and tables etc...


<title>Edit A Product</title>
<script src="nicEdit.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<? include("includes/header.php") ?>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center" bgcolor="FFFFFF" bordercolor="#999999">
if (isset($submit)) {

$name = $_POST['name'];
$make = $_POST['make'];
$catagory = $_POST['catagory'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
$description = $_POST['description'];
$sold = $_POST['sold'];
$colour = $_POST['colour'];
$cotw = $_POST['cotw'];

$sql = "UPDATE products SET name='$name', make='$make', catagory='$catagory', price='$price', description='$description', sold='$sold', colour='$colour', cotw='$cotw' WHERE ID='$ID'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot query the database.<br>" . mysql_error());

$upload_dir = "../images/products/";

$insert_id = $ID;

if (!empty($imageOne))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageOne']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageOne']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image One. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageOne']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "one.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageOne']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		// file uploaded add to table row
		die("Unable to upload Image One");

if (!empty($imageTwo))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageTwo']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageTwo']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Two. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageTwo']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "two.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageTwo']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Two");

if (!empty($imageThree))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageThree']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageThree']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Three. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageThree']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "three.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageThree']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Three");

if (!empty($imageFour))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageFour']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageFour']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Four. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageFour']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "four.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageFour']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Four");

if (!empty($imageFive))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageFive']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageFive']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Five. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageFive']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "five.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageFive']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Five");

if (!empty($imageSix))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageSix']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageSix']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Six. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageSix']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "six.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageSix']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Six");

if (!empty($imageThumb))
// we have an image in image one check we have a valid type (jpeg only ?)
if ($_FILES['imageThumb']['type'] != "image/jpeg" && $_FILES['imageThumb']['type'] != "image/pjpeg")
	die("Image type is not allowed for Image Thumb. Type found : " . $_FILES['imageThumb']['type']);
	// valid image make up a new filename
	$new_image_name = $insert_id . "thumb.jpg";

	if (!copy($_FILES['imageThumb']['tmp_name'], $upload_dir . $new_image_name))
		die("Unable to upload Image Thumb");

// check if we need to delete any images
if ($imageOneDelete == "yes")
// delete image one
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "one.jpg");

if ($imageTwoDelete == "yes")
// delete image two
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "two.jpg");

if ($imageThreeDelete == "yes")
// delete image three
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "three.jpg");

if ($imageFourDelete == "yes")
// delete image three
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "four.jpg");

if ($imageFiveDelete == "yes")
// delete image three
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "five.jpg");

if ($imageSixDelete == "yes")
// delete image three
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "six.jpg");

if ($imageThumbDelete == "yes")
// delete image three
unlink($upload_dir . $insert_id . "thumb.jpg");

echo "<BR><table width=700 border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>
  <tr class=table3> 
    <td><table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=3 align=center>
        <tr class=table1 align=center> 
          <td><b>Database Updated.</b></td>
} else {

$sql				= "SELECT * FROM $table1 WHERE ID='$ID'";
$query			= mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot query the database.<br>" . mysql_error());
$result			= mysql_fetch_array($query);
$catagory		= stripslashes($result["catagory"]);
$make			= stripslashes($result["make"]);
$name			= stripslashes($result["name"]);
$price			= stripslashes($result["price"]);
$description	= stripslashes($result["description"]);
$colour			= stripslashes($result["colour"]);
$sold			= stripslashes($result["sold"]);
$cotw		    = stripslashes($result["cotw"]);

// check what images exist

$images_dir = "../images/products/";

// check for image one
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "one.jpg"))
$imageOneExists = 1;

// check for image two
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "two.jpg"))
$imageTwoExists = 1;

// check for image three
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "three.jpg"))
$imageThreeExists = 1;

// check for image three
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "four.jpg"))
$imageFourExists = 1;

// check for image three
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "five.jpg"))
$imageFiveExists = 1;

// check for image three
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "six.jpg"))
$imageSixExists = 1;

// check for image three
if (file_exists($images_dir . $ID . "thumb.jpg"))
$imageThumbExists = 1;

<FORM name=myform method=post action="<? echo $PHP_SELF ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <table wIDth="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr class=table3>
      <td><table width="98%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="images/subbar_bg.gif">
        <tr background="images/subbar_bg.gif">
          <td width="4" height="52"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font size="1"><b><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#3399FF"><img src="images/subbar_left.gif" width="4" height="52" /></font></b></font></b></font></td>
          <td height="52" align="left" valign="middle" background="images/subbar_bg.gif">
            <table width="100%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="20%"><img src="images/icons/add_product_logo.gif" width="173" height="39" /></td>
                <td width="80%"><div align="right"><a href="add.php" target="_self"><img src="images/icons/add.gif" alt="Add a product" width="38" height="38" border="0" /></a><a href="help.php" target="_self"><img src="images/icons/help.gif" width="38" height="38" border="0" /></a></div></td>
          <td width="4" height="52"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b><font size="1"><b><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#3399FF"><img src="images/subbar_right.gif" alt="" /></font></b></font></b></font></td>
        <table width="98%"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1">
          <tr align="left" valign="top">
            <td width="20%"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_left_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
                <td height="4" background="images/top_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_menu.gif" width="1" height="4" /></td>
                <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_right_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
                <td width="4" background="images/left_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/left_menu.gif" width="4" height="1" /></td>
                <td bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><? include("includes/menu.php") ?></td>
                <td width="4" background="images/right_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/right_menu.gif" width="4" height="1" /></td>
                <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_left_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
                <td height="4" background="images/bottom_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_menu.gif" width="1" height="4" /></td>
                <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_right_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
            <td width="80%"><table width="75%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_left_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
    <td height="4" background="images/top_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_menu.gif" width="1" height="4" /></td>
    <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/top_right_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
    <td width="4" background="images/left_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/left_menu.gif" width="4" height="1" /></td>
    <td bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><table wIDth="98%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" align="center">
        <td width="20%">Catagory:</td>
        <td width="28%">
          <select name="catagory" size="1">
            <option value=<?php echo $catagory; ?>> <?php echo $catagory; ?> </option>
            <option value=" ">-----------------</option>
// Query to pull information from the "catagory" Database  
$result = mysql_query("select * from $table13 order by id DESC");  
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){  
            <option value=<?php echo $row->name; ?>> <?php echo $row->name; ?>
            <? }?>
        <td width="13%">Manufacturer:</td>
        <td width="39%">
          <select name="make" size="1">
            <option value=<?php echo $make; ?>> <?php echo $make; ?> </option>
            <option value=" ">-----------------</option>
// Query to pull information from the "manufacturer" Database  
$result = mysql_query("select * from $table2 order by id DESC");  
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){  
            <option value=<?php echo $row->make; ?>> <?php echo $row->make; ?>
        <td valign="top">Product Name:</td>
        <td colspan="3">
          <input type="Text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name ?>" size="40">
      <tr class=table2>
        <td wIDth="20%" valign="top">Description:</td>
        <td colspan="3">
          <textarea name="description" cols="62" rows="8"><?php echo $description ?></textarea>
        <td><input name="price" type="Text" id="price" value="<?php echo $price ?>" size="20"></td>
          <input name="colour" type="Text" id="colour" value="<?php echo $colour ?>" size="25">
        <td>Product of the week:</td>
        <td><select name="cotw" size="1">
            <option value=<?php echo $cotw ?>> <?php echo $cotw ?> </option>
            <option value=" ">-----------------</option>
// Query to pull information from the "sold" Database  
$result = mysql_query("select * from sold order by id DESC");  
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){  
            <option value=<?php echo $row->sold; ?>> <?php echo $row->sold; ?>
          <select name="sold" size="1" id="select">
            <option value=<?php echo $sold ?>> <?php echo $sold ?> </option>
            <option value=" ">-----------------</option>
// Query to pull information from the "sold" Database  
$result = mysql_query("select * from sold order by id DESC");  
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)){  
            <option value=<?php echo $row->sold; ?>> <?php echo $row->sold; ?>
      <tr class=table2>
        <td valign=top>IMAGES:<br>
            <font size="1">Please select the images (jpeg only):</font></td>
        <td colspan="3"> 1:
            	if ($imageOneExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageOne" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageOne">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageOneDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>one.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageOne" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageOne">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageTwoExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageTwo" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageTwo">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageTwoDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>two.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageTwo" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageTwo">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageThreeExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageThree" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageThree">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageThreeDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>three.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageThree" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageThree">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageFourExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageFour" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageFour">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageFourDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>four.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageFour" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageFour">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageFiveExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageFive" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageFive">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageFiveDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>five.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageFive" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageFive">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageSixExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageSix" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageSix">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageSixDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>six.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageSix" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageSix">
      <? } ?>
            	if ($imageThumbExists) {
      Replace :
      <input name="imageThumb" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageThumb">
      Delete :
      <input type="checkbox" name="imageThumbDelete" value="yes">
      <a target="_new" href="../images/products/<? echo $ID ?>thumb.jpg">View</a>
      <? } else {
      Upload :
      <input name="imageThumb" type="file" class="bginput" id="imageThumb">
      <? } ?>
      - Thumbnail Image</td>
      <!-- end of new code -->
      <tr class=table1>
        <td colspan="4" align="center" valign="top">
          <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Done!" class="bginput">
          <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="<?php echo $ID; ?>">
          <input type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset" class="bginput">
    <td width="4" background="images/right_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/right_menu.gif" width="4" height="1" /></td>
    <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_left_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
    <td height="4" background="images/bottom_menu.gif" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_menu.gif" width="1" height="4" /></td>
    <td width="4" height="4" bgcolor="#f2f3f5"><img src="images/bottom_right_corner.gif" width="4" height="4" /></td>
        </table>        </td>
<? include("includes/footer.php") ?>

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