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apache vrs lighthttpd


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I've heard a lot about this but not enough about physical benchmarking and comparison features/limitations compared to apache, so a few questions


Can lighthttpd deal with mod rewrite to transform urls

is it as good as apache in terms of speed for dealing with php

can htaccess etc be used


Basically, what CANT it do that apache can. Would be good if someone has a list so I can compare and if I see something it cant do.. then maybe need to stick with apache depending on if its required



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The answer to all three of your question would be yes, depends and yes.


Lighthttpd does handle php very well but it is usually installed as fastCGI not a module. Somemay say this is better as it does enable you to setup an individual environment per vhost, on the other hand, I think fastCGI is a little slower than php build as a module.


Lighthttpd is also well known for leaving a much lighter footprint on your system. this can come in handy if your running a VPS with a small allocation of memory.

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With that said, can I pretty switch do away with apache and setup light httpd


IN a typical setup, would lighthttpd fall down as in something it cant do that apache can


I really need the face up to see what it cant do compared to apache, then I'll know if it will cause me problems etc

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To be honest, I only ran lighthttpd for a little while when I first setup my vps's, but yeah, I had no issues with it. Its fast, easy to configure and has many modules just like Apache.


What you really need to do however is take a look at the Apache modules your using now and see if there is an equivalent in lighthttpd. There should be a list in the documentation.

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