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question about querying 2 databases in php


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i am building a registration page where a user register for a username. i am able to insert this into mysql. the situation is


every time data is inserted into example table1 in mysql in database1 for example at the same time i would like to extract


the username, password and email from table1 based on the last inserted row and insert these values into another table ex


table2 in a different database called database2.


the issue i am having is with the select query as it is not returning values from table1 for me to insert those values into


table2 in database2.


NOTE = the hostname, user name, password are the same for both the tables and databases and are physically in 1 server


machine itself.


presently my code is


$conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword);








mysql_select_db($database, $conn);

$insertqueryresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable1);     

$lastid = mysql_insert_id();


$selectqueryoftable1 = "Select username, password, email from table1 where slno = '$lastid'";

slno is an autoincrement and primary key which is like a serial number


$selectunempsq = mysql_query($selectqueryoftable1);


while($rowunemps = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectunempsq))


$unis = $rowunemps['username'];

$psis = $rowunemps['password'];

$emis = $rowunemps['email'];



$insertqueryfortable2 = "Insert into table2(username, password, email) VALUES ('$unis', '$psis', '$emis')";


$unpsemresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable2);


the values in the 3 variables $unis, $psis, $emis are blank.


i have tried

a) while($rowunemps = mysql_fetch_array($selectunempsq))

b) creating the table2 in database1 itself to see if it works

but both these methods is not working


data is being inserted into table1 but i am not able to read the values stored in table1 and then insert into table2. i have


used echoing the values of the 3 variables $unis, $psis, $emis however the values are blank.


with the insertquery for table2 everytime the insert query is executed a new row is created but there are no values for the 3


fileds username, password, email in table2


initially i had $conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword); 2 times as the tables were in different database now i


have only 1 mysql_connect


please advice how to fix this ideally both tables sitting in different databases.




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This should let you use two database at once i think have a go tell me ok........



$link[] = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');

$link[] = mysql_connect('', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');


for($i=0; $i<count($databse_name); $i++){

foreach($link as $x){


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$conn = mysql_connect($hostname, $user, $dbpassword);
$db1 = mysql_select_db($database, $conn);
//$insertqueryresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable1);       
//$lastid = mysql_insert_id();

$selectqueryoftable1 = "Select username, password, email from table1 where 1 ORDER BY slno DESC LIMIT 1";
$selectunempsq = mysql_query($selectqueryoftable1,$db1);
$rowunemps = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectunempsq);
$unis = $rowunemps['username'];
$psis = $rowunemps['password'];
$emis = $rowunemps['email'];
$db2 = mysql_select_db($database2, $conn);
$insertqueryfortable2 = "Insert into table2(username, password, email) VALUES ('$unis', '$psis', '$emis')";
$unpsemresult = mysql_query($insertqueryfortable2,$db2);

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