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Very Basic: arrays and forms


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Please excuse me if my post is a bit awkward, newer posted anything of this kind before.


This is part of a university assignment I have to do,not very complicated stuff, basically we have created 3 arrays , one for $drinks,$desserts, and $meals, for example:


$drinks= array (
'Spring Water'=>'7',
'Hot Chocolate'=>'8'


with this array we have created 3 drop down lists like this:


print "<tr><td>Select your drink</td><td><select name='drink'>";
foreach($drinks as $drink=>$price2)
print "<option value='$drink'>$drink - R $price2</option>";
print "</select>


This information is submitted to my next page where I have to add the prices of the 3 items...and there is where my problem lies

I seem to be able to use the "$drink" bit of the array and not the "$price2" bit of it. This is probably caused by my lack of understanding of arrays, but basically I want to know why, for example


print "{$_POST['drink']} {$_POST['price2']} </br>";


doesn't print the price with the drink I chose

and I can't seem to use $price2 in any calculations

So my main question after all of this is how can I get "$price2" in my next php page so I can do calculations with it?

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if its part of a university assignment shouldnt you be working out for yourself instead of asking for help on here??


to help you on your way - a select box will only pass one piece of information, which is what you have told it is the "option value", in your case the value of $drink, not the value of $price2

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Our lecturer said if we get stuck we are allowed to ask here (he named this forum), though if I am still stuck by tomorrow I will go and ask him


So what you are saying is that if I need both values (which I do) I can't use a select box to get both values?

Personally I'd rather have used check boxes for this exercise, but we are told to use a select box though, so there has to be another way for me to get the other value ($price2).


There was a point where I was able to print for example "Tea 5" but I still can't do calculations with "$price2". Guess I'll just ask the lecturer tomorrow, luckily it only needs to be in by Friday.


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if you want to pass both pieces of information across using the select box you could use

print "<tr><td>Select your drink</td><td><select name='drink'>";
foreach($drinks as $drink=>$price2)
print "<option value='$price2/$drink'>$drink - R $price2</option>"; //value now equals both pieces of info separated by a /
print "</select>";


which when passed across requires the use of explode to get both pices away from each other such as

$food = $_POST['drink'];
$pieces = 	explode('/',$food); //re-separate the data
echo "$pieces[0] - $pieces[1]"; //print them out or use them where you need them


hope that helps a bit more

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