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__get function failing...unknown reason...


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Server: PHP 5.2.0


Class runs without error.

Page runs without error.


When I try to reference -any- variable acquired through the __get function, however, the page fails and load stops.


reference in page:

$data = new ReceiveComms; //takes $_GET and $_POST and $_HEADER variables and places them in arrays.

echo $data->obj;


Class function:

public function __get($property)
	if(array_key_exists($property, $this->headers)) return $this->headers($property);
	else if(array_key_exists($property, $this->data)) return $this->data($property);
	else return NULL;


Interesting thing is...if I print_r either $this->headers or $this->data, they have all of the appropriate values...and $this->data has the 'obj' key...


...anyone else experience similar problems?  Any solutions?

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I believe you need the parenthesis when creating a new object:  (I could be wrong)

$data = new ReceiveComms();


You are wrong. :)



To the op: You didn't provide much data.


__get is not something I work with, though. It's being extremely lazy. Opening up your entire for get/set is bound to cause way too much of a headache down the line.

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Thanks to both posters...


...no, a new object does not need parentheses...


...I also agree that opening up an entire __get and __set can be messy...but I did so on this class because it exists purely for the purpose of taking received variables, manipulating them, and then placing them into the only class-global variables that exist for the express purpose of getting and setting those array values within the page.


The problem was actually...

if(array_key_exists($property, $this->headers)) return $this->headers($property);


needed to be

if(array_key_exists($property, $this->headers)) return $this->headers[$property];


Talk about a headache over nothing...just found that after leaving the project and coming back and scratching my head a bit.

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