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Hi Guys,


I've got a couple of queries really



I'm looking to work out the amount of days between 2 different dates.


I have $date1 and $date2 but i just cannot seem to work out what i need to do to get the result of 345 days....


the date is pulled out as 2008-03-14 (Y-m-d)


I have checked the php manual for date, but can only work out how to format it..


can anyone help please?



I need to pull out the info in month order (So i will have a drop down to select the month to search) and it will show everything in the database for march... I know i can run a php query but because my date is stored 2008-03-14 (as per Mysql) how can i just say, show all result where xxxx-03-xx ?


Thank you for any help :)

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The easiest answer to both of your questions are found in the mysql manual.


For #1, use the datediff() function -  http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_datediff


For #2, use the month() function to get only the month from your date field to compare it in a WHERE clause - http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_month

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The easiest answer to both of your questions are found in the mysql manual.


For #1, use the datediff() function -  http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_datediff


For #2, use the month() function to get only the month from your date field to compare it in a WHERE clause - http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/date-and-time-functions.html#function_month


Thank you for that, I did see the mysql for query (1) but i need that to be done in php, and displayed on a php page, rather than using MySQL scripts.


What I have so far:


$showdate = date('Ymd', strtotime($row['creationdate']));

echo $showdate ;
echo "<br />" ;
$nowdate = date("Ymd") ;
echo $nowdate ;
echo "<br />" ;

$date = ('$nowdate' - '$showdate') ;
echo $date ;

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Adding the following in your SELECT query will return the number of days in a field called diff -


SELECT *, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),creationdate) AS diff the_rest_of_your_query_here...


After you fetch the row -


echo $row['diff'];


Pretty easy? Don't use a lot of slow and complicated php code for something that one statement in a query can do.

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Adding the following in your SELECT query will return the number of days in a field called diff -


SELECT *, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(),creationdate) AS diff the_rest_of_your_query_here...


After you fetch the row -


echo $row['diff'];


Pretty easy? Don't use a lot of slow and complicated php code for something that one statement in a query can do.


okies, ill have a look in to that, never done anything like that before, normally let php do it all..


$showdate = date('Ymd', strtotime($row['creationdate']));
$nowdate = date("Ymd") ;
$date = ("$nowdate" - "$showdate") ;


however, i did get it working, but if something is 4 years i get 12489 days produced lol, is there anyway to format the output to years, days?

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The subtraction in the following is not giving you what you expect -


$date = ("$nowdate" - "$showdate") ;


It is literally subtracting the characters in each successive position in the strings. This does not result in the number of days between dates (do a reality check using some random dates a few months and a few years apart.)

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check if this works.


$indays = 970;

echo $intyears = (int) (970/365);
echo " Years and ".$intRemainingDays = fmod(970,365);




the problem is that this would be 970 very often, so it needs to work where the resulting days are $diff (however also it might only be 35 days...

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