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Sending an email


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Iv developed a help desk system and want an section in the system where a user would inform a client of the progress of their query by emailing them.


I believe Dreamweaver (which i am using to design my system) has this as a feature but not the way i would like it.

Within my system is stored (Client table) the clients contact details such as email address.


I would like to email that particular client with their email address from the database pre-filled in when i click on the email button with details of the query filled in as well (all read from the database)


I hope thats clear.


Any help would be appreciated.













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Sorry may have worded it badly.


Didnt mean to sound like i wanted it done for me, im just at a lost with this and just wanted some advice on how to go about doing it.


This is the code i have already -


<a href="mailto:??"> but not sure how i would express the code here to read from the database.



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mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password') or die('Failed');
mysql_select_db('database') or die('Failed');

$q = 'SELECT `name`, `email` FROM `client_table`' . ( is_numeric($id) ? ' WHERE `id`=' . $id : '');

if (!$r = mysql_query($q) )
   echo 'Query error:<br>' . mysql_error();
else {
   if (mysql_num_rows($r) < 1)
      echo 'No rows found';
      while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($r) )
         echo '<a href="mailto:' . $data['email'] . '">' . $data['name'] . '</a>';


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Im not quite understanding the code given above.


I have looked at a few different sites and have seen this code come up a few times


$to = "someone@example.com";
$subject = "Test mail";
$message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";
$from = "someonelse@example.com";
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Mail Sent.";


But i want the $to, $subject and $message to read from the database instead of me hardcoding it (like above).


Any ideas how i could do this.


Thanks in advance.

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how is the database set up??


run a query to get the data from the database and then assign the data dynamically

$query = "SELECT * FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query" . mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)
$to = $row['to'];
$subject = $row['subject'];
$message = $row['message'];
$from = $row['frommail'];
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Mail Sent to $to <BR>";

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Just a quick question.


I need the email to read from 2 tables, which are: -





From client i would need  - email

From Form i would need - issuetitle, systemaffected, issuedetails & supportcomments.


Would i need to join the two tables together in the SQL statement and create another table in my database to show this?


Any suggestions how i could do this ?



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not really a PHP question, but it will be something like


SELECT A.email, B.issuetitle, B.systemaffected, B.issuedetails, B.supportcomments

FROM client A, Form B

WHERE A.id = B.client_id


assuming you've got an id field on client and a matching client_id field on Form

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is it a join you want but we dont no the id name try this

change the id name.........


FROM  client,form WHERE client.id=form.id";
$sql_result=mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)
$x="system affected: ".$row['systemaffected']." <br><br> Issue:".$row['issuedetails']." <br><br>  comments: ".$row['supportcomments']." ";

$to = $row['email'];
$subject = $row['issuetitle'];
$message = $x;
$from = $row['frommail'];
$headers = "From: $from";
echo "Mail Sent to $to <BR>";



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