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Contact form help.


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Hello! I'm brand new to PHP. I've made a simple contact form in HTML and PHP. It works perfectly. Now I'm having a little trouble with being able to choose who to send the completed form to! I have removed/changed all the links and email addresses on purpose. Here we go:


This is my mail.php code:


if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { 
$to = "email@site.com";  
$name_field = $_POST['name']; 
$email_field = $_POST['email']; 
$message_cat = $_POST['message_cat'];
$message = $_POST['message']; 
$subject = "$message_cat";
$option = $_POST['radio'];

$body = "From:\n $name_field\n\n Email Address:\n $email_field\n\n Department: $option\n Message category:\n $message_cat\n\n Message:\n\n $message"; 
mail($to, $subject, $body); 
} else { 
echo "Oops! You shouldn't be here!"; 


Alright, that works perfectly with the accompanying HTML form. Now I made two radio buttons in my form:


<input type="radio" value="1" name="radio"> Department 1


<input type="radio" value="2" name="radio"> Department 2


Now the hard confusing bit, how do I get the &to variable to change to depending on which radio button is pressed? For example radio button 1 goes to email@site.com and 2 goes to email1@site.com


Also where do I put the email addresses? I would rather the radio buttons be called form example "Department" and the email is assigned to it but hidden. How?



Also an off-topic question, in the variable $body what do I use to make certain parts bold, underlined etc? How?





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Thank you for the quick and excellent reply Orio! It's working perfectly!!


I have a couple more questions for anyone:


1. How can I make the output fields in the email bold, underlined etc. (For example the /n for new line)


2. At the moment the "from" email header has my website email address, how could I change that to read the "name" field in the email? This is how it looks: "From example@email.com Date&Time ##/## Subject". Hopefully you'll understand that one  :D.


3. Is there anyway I could track the person who submitted the form's IP? And then show it in the email. Handy for banning spammers...



Thanks again!

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