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I have a PHP Final Exam! I need Help.


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I am having problems with 3 questions from my exam.  Any help will be greatly appreciated. 


Questions are:


Remembering Users...

1.  Construct one script with a form that registers sessions with a radio button, a check box and a dropdown select.  Echo the three Sessions values at the bottom of the script.


File Handling

2.  Construct a form that writes you income to a text file.  At the bottom of this script, read the file, add all your money and echo out the total you've earned with your web programming expertise.


Hit Counters and Uniqueness

3.  Construct a hit counter that does NOT register a hit from anyone visiting your web page from school. HINT; the schools network's ip is  Another hint: REMOTE_ADDR is the variable that contains a user's IP.


Thanks for your help!!!

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Someone isn't going to just code all these for you (unless they have absolutely nothing else to do). You should take it one question at a time and actually supply us with an actual attempt, and the problem with your supplied code.


So, lets start with question one. Thats basically just working with forms...then all you need to know other than that is how to register a session.


Working with forms - http://www.tizag.com/phpT/forms.php

Sessions - http://www.tizag.com/phpT/phpsessions.php


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