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facebook - code. caching?


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so, here are a few lines of code i got off the website facebook








what are those numbers for at the end of the url? caching?


and what is rsrc.php? is it a caching program?


all i could find on rsrc is:


Contains a library of data used by a Mac OS application; used for developing programs for Mac OS 9 and earlier


dont know if that has anything to do with what facebook is doin.

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yah, well, sorry but i forgot to add the <script> & <style> tags ..which would make it a line of code, id assume


and thats obviously why i asked "what are those numbers for at the end of the url?"


but thanks neway...


ps, the code could be viewed under this url.. but i still cant figure out what those numbers actually do.

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A lot of sites put randoms numbers on the end of the URL to keep them from being locally cached in the browser. Each set of numbers is seens as a different page to the browser, so it won't load from cache.



that makes no sense at all because there is a simple header derivative that prevents caching of a page.


The numbers are most likely used to help you cache a page in a fashion similar to how GET is used to make search query results bookmarkable and indexable vs. POST based results.

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