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Having problems with unsetting a SESSION


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The problem i am having is with unsetting a SESSION.


What i have is a login system, where the user can login, then go to a profile page where they can edit their info, change thier password and then cancel their account.


When they go to the cancel page, they have to re-enter their password, and then this and their username is checked against the database, and if it is found, the record is deleted.


The problem i am having is with my form helper. When the user enteres their password and username on the cancel page(cancelmembership.php) the form is processed in cancel.php which then generates an array to store errors in, called '$deleteerrorarray', this is then stored into a session named '$_SESSION['deleteerror_storage']' this is then retrieved when the user makes an error and is sent back to the cancelmembership.php page, and displays the error. This all works, but when they make an error, and then say, leaves this page, and comes back, the error box is still there, when they leave i want the error box to disappear.


Now, i have used 'unset($_SESSION['deleteerror_storage']) after the session is used to output the error, so that it is unset, so when they leave the page and come back to it, the session shouldnt be retrievable and therefore the error box doesnt appear?!?


Am i right in saying that?? 'cause it sure as hell doesnt work!!


I have been trying everything, putting the unset in different places and stuff, but nothing works...really cant figure out the problem??


here is my code:



//starts session and checks loggin status 
header("Cache-control: private"); 
if (!$_SESSION['username']) { 

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            <div id="profilelogo"><img src="Images/profilelogo.png" /></div>
            <div id="userInfo"><?php echo "hello, ".$_SESSION['username'];?></div>
            <div id="Login" class="Logout"><a href="logout.php">logout</a></div>
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<div id="profileBar">
        <div id="userInfoLarge"><h2 class="shadow"><?php echo $_SESSION['username'] ?></h2></div>
        <div id="userInfoLogoLarge"><img src="Images/UserlogoLARGE.png" /></div>
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<div id="content-bodycontent">
    	<div id="Redcontentwindow">
       		<div class="Redwindowtop">
            	<div id="headerLogo"><img src="Images/cancelLogo.png" /></div>
            	<span><h5>Cancelling Your Membership</h5></span>
            <div class="Redwindowbody">
                <p class="largeblue"><strong>We hate to see you walk out the door!</strong></p>
                <hr />
                <p class="largeblue">
                	We would love for you to tell us how we can better your experience with us @ go4home<br />
                    if you want, drop us an email and do just that!<br /><br />
                    Please verify your password below to deactivate your account.
                <br />
                    if (isset($_SESSION['deleteerror_storage']))
                        $strError = '<div class="formerror"><p class="error"><img src="/images/warningtriangle.png">Please check the following and try again:</p><ul>';
                    // Get each error and add it to the error string 
                    // as a list item.
                    foreach ($_SESSION['deleteerror_storage'] as $error) {
                        $strError .= "<li>$error</li>";
                    $strError .= '</ul></div>';
                    echo $strError;
				//unset deleteerror_storage session
                <div id="submitCustomerForm">
                <FORM ACTION="cancel.php" METHOD="POST" NAME="contact_form">
                  <div id="inputfield">
			  	  <label for="username" class="blue"><strong>Your Username:</strong></label>
				  <input class="fade" name="username" type=text size="50" maxlength="12" id="username" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['username']?>">
                  <div id="inputfield">  
                      <label for="password" class="blue"><strong>Your Password:</strong></label>
                      <input class="fade" name="password" type=password size="50" maxlength="12" id="password" value="">
                    <br />
				<input type="image" src="Images/cancelbutton.png" align="right" name="Submit" />
                    <br />
                    <br />
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//starts session and checks loggin status 
header("Cache-control: private"); 
if (!$_SESSION['username']) { 
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="Style1.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="Images/favicon3.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
<title>Cancel your membership</title>

<meta name="Description" content="Find your dream property online, Search for any property for
sale in a range of areas in the UK with go4home" />
<meta name="Keywords" content="Find a property, find property, find property in UK,
search for a property, Property up for sale, find property up for sale, Property market,
    Advertise your home to sell, go4home.co.uk, go4home" />


//delete customer record from database

//store posted values into vaiables
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];

//create array to hold errors
//$deleteerrorarray = array();


//double check user exists beofore deleting their account
$sql_user_check    = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE username='$username' and encryptpass = '".md5($password)."' and status = 1"; 
$result_name_check = mysql_query($sql_user_check); 
$usersfound        = mysql_num_rows($result_name_check); 

if ($usersfound < 1) { 
    $deleteerrorarray['nouser'] = "User $user not found. You may have entered incorrect username and or password, or your account may not be active"; 

    if ($deleteerrorarray) { 
       header('Location: cancelmembership.php');
   //echo $usersfound; 
// if user does exist, continue and delete user
} else { //else1

mysql_query("DELETE FROM customer WHERE username='$username' and encryptpass = '".md5($password)."'"); 

//after that destroy the session
$_SESSION = array();


If anyone could have a little look, anyone see what i need to do here? because i cant figure it out...


cheers guys



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unset($_SESSION['deleteerror_storage']) does not destroy the session, it only unsets the session variable deleteerror_storage. you appear to destroy the session properly elsewhere in your code:


//after that destroy the session
$_SESSION = array();


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