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Make Directory


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When I use this to make a directory it makes a directory, but...


When I try to open that directory I am promted that The Folder refers to a nonexistant file or folder Or it isn't valid or in the current web.


Is there something wrong with this code?


mkdir("/html/pages/folder1 ", 0700);

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I am actually trying to take the last advise from BlueSkyIS.


I want to upload a pfd to a directory instead of storing it in the DB.


I would like to be able to create a new directory for that pdf during upload.


Any thoughts on that?


Here is the full code MadTechie...


It does visualy make the folder I just can't access it.


mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/folder1 ", 0700);


What should the permissions be. I am logged in as administrator with full rights.

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It still gives an error about not in the web...


How would you go about acomplishing what I am tryin to acomplish.


I want to upload a pfd to a directory instead of storing it in the DB.


I would like to be able to create a new directory for that pdf during upload.

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yes, as i understand, permissions 0700 says "only root can read, write or execute". Since the web server doesn't (or shouldn't) run as root, that's like trying to create a directory that even you can't read.


you may need to go to 0775 or 0777 to allow the web server to write to the directory.

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Each one these numbers still produce the same error.


Currently, the page with this code (and this code only) is located @ www.mywebsite.com/thiscode.php


Is it relavant where (in the web directory) the code is executed from?


I believe I am just missing something simple.


mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/folder1 ", 0777);

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So here is what I did.


When the page opens it makes the directory.


When I submit the form it trys to make another directory and insert the pdf.


Notice the 2 errors fighting?



mkdir("/home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/pages/test ",0777);

if (isset($_POST['submit'])){

$uploaddir = "../../pages/test";

print "done";


<form action="test_form.php" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">

File: <input type="file" name="file" size="30"> <input type="submit" name=submit value="Upload!">





Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: File exists in /home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/secure/upload/test_form.php on line 2


Warning: move_uploaded_file(../../pages/test/checklist.pdf) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/content/d/a/r/daruano/html/secure/upload/test_form.php on line 11

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