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Numeric validation failing


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Im trying to code my text box for "PRICE" so the user cannot leave it blank and can only enter numeric values. At present the validation works if I leave it blank but doesnt validate for numeric values at present


My validation




$ProductNo = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductNo']));
$ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductName']));
$Description = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Description']));
$Price = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Price']));
$Stockamount = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Stockamount']));
$Type = $_POST['Type'];
$Display = strtoupper($_POST['display']); 


if($_POST["action"] == "Add"){

	if ($_POST['Type'] =="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_type = "Please enter the product type<br>";

	if ($_POST['ProductName']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_name = "The Product Name seems to be mising?<br>";

	if ($_POST['Description']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_description = "Your description seems to be mising?<br>";
	if ($_POST['Stockamount']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_amount = "Please enter the ammount of stock recivied<br>";
    $valid = 1;							
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_price = "Please enter the price<br>";
        $valid = 0;
$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
        $price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.45)';
if ($valid==1) {       
                $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (Producttype, ProductName, Description,Price, Stockamount, Display) VALUES ('$Type','$ProductName', '$Description', '$Price','$Stockamount''$Display')";

<input type="text" class="itemEditForm04" name="Price" value="<?php $row['Price'];?>" /> <td width="269"><font color="#FF0000" style="font-size: 8pt"><?php echo $error_price; ?></font></td>

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What type of number are they inputing? I ran into that problem once and I just moved to a drop down menu for the dollars and another one for the cents. The only thing I had to check for them was to make sure it wasn't empty as the default value in each select menu had a value of an empty string.

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just use preg_match:



$numbers[] = "12.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = ".12"; // no match
$numbers[] = ".1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "12."; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,123.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "12"; // match
$numbers[] = "12.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "0.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "123.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "1,123.12"; // match

foreach($numbers As $number){
   $number = str_replace(",","",$number);
   if(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$number) == 1){
      echo($numbers[$i]." Is Valid <br>");
      echo($numbers[$i]." Is NOT Valid <br>");



this snippet uses preg_match to test each item in the $numbers array and echos accordingly. im using this to show an example of how to use preg_match and which numbers this particular REGEX will allow :D


hope this helps,

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        $valid = 0;
$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
        $price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.45)';




    elseif(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$number) != 1)
        $valid = 0;
$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
        $price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.05)';


hope this helps,

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This still doesnt produce and error if I type in letters instead of numeric values. Im pretty sure it to do with




    $valid = 1;



My complete code




$ProductNo = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductNo']));
$ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductName']));
$Description = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Description']));
$Price = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Price']));
$Stockamount = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Stockamount']));
$Type = $_POST['Type'];
$Display = strtoupper($_POST['display']); 


if($_POST["action"] == "Add"){

	if ($_POST['Type'] =="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_type = "Please enter the product type<br>";

	if ($_POST['ProductName']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_name = "The Product Name seems to be mising?<br>";

	if ($_POST['Description']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_description = "Your description seems to be mising?<br>";
	if ($_POST['Stockamount']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_amount = "Please enter the ammount of stock recivied<br>";
    $valid = 1;							
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_price = "Please enter the price<br>";
   elseif(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$number) != 1)
        $valid = 0;
$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
        $price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.05)';
if ($valid==1) {       
                $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (Producttype, ProductName, Description,Price, Stockamount, Display) VALUES ('$Type','$ProductName', '$Description', '$Price','$Stockamount''$Display')";

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	$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
	$error_price = "Please enter the price<br>";
elseif(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$_POST['Price']) != 1)
	$valid = 0;
	$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
	$price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.05)';
	$valid = 1;
$valid = 0;
$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
$error_price = "Please enter the price (Price Field Missing Error)<br>";


this is what you want i bellieve

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The pregmatch seems to be failing as I dont get an error if I put in letters for the price but i get an error if the Price textbox is left blank




$ProductNo = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductNo']));
$ProductName = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['ProductName']));
$Description = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Description']));
$Price = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Price']));
$Stockamount = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST['Stockamount']));
$Type = $_POST['Type'];
$Display = strtoupper($_POST['display']); 


if($_POST["action"] == "Add"){

	if ($_POST['Type'] =="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_type = "Please enter the product type<br>";

	if ($_POST['ProductName']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_name = "The Product Name seems to be mising?<br>";

	if ($_POST['Description']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_description = "Your description seems to be mising?<br>";
	if ($_POST['Stockamount']=="") {
                $style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
                $error_amount = "Please enter the ammount of stock recivied<br>";

	$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
	$error_price = "Please enter the price<br>";
    if(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$_POST['Price']) != 1)
	$valid = 0;
	$style_name = "background-color:#FF5959";
	$price_error = 'Price is invalid. Numbers only (eg: 123.05)';
if ($valid==1) {       
                $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name (Producttype, ProductName, Description,Price, Stockamount, Display) VALUES ('$Type','$ProductName', '$Description', '$Price','$Stockamount''$Display')";


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i see no reason why this should be happening...


save this code to a file called test.php and run it on your webserver:



$numbers[] = "12.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = ".12"; // no match
$numbers[] = ".1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "12."; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,123.1"; // no match

$numbers[] = "a1,123.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,f123.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,123.s1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,123.1f"; // no match
$numbers[] = "fadg.1"; // no match
$numbers[] = "1,123.sd"; // no match
$numbers[] = "gds.f"; // no match
$numbers[] = "sdgsdg"; // no match

$numbers[] = "12"; // match
$numbers[] = "12.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "0.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "123.12"; // match
$numbers[] = "1,123.12"; // match

foreach($numbers As $number){
   $number = str_replace(",","",$number);
   if(preg_match("/\A[0-9]{1,16}(\.[0-9]{2}){0,1}$/",$number) == 1){
      echo($numbers[$i]." Is Valid <br>");
      echo($numbers[$i]." Is NOT Valid <br>");



give us the output

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The output is


12.1 Is NOT Valid

.12 Is NOT Valid

.1 Is NOT Valid

12. Is NOT Valid

1,123.1 Is NOT Valid

a1,123.1 Is NOT Valid

1,f123.1 Is NOT Valid

1,123.s1 Is NOT Valid

1,123.1f Is NOT Valid

fadg.1 Is NOT Valid

1,123.sd Is NOT Valid

gds.f Is NOT Valid

sdgsdg Is NOT Valid

12 Is Valid

12.12 Is Valid

0.12 Is Valid

123.12 Is Valid

1,123.12 Is Valid


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