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$cantidad = count($_POST["agent"]);
if($_POST["agent"][$a] != ""){
// --- Header ---
// echo $_POST["agent"][$a]

$mail->PluginDir = "./";
$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->IsSMTP(); // send via SMTP
$mail->Host = "mail.britishvi.com"; // SMTP servers
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = "[email protected]"; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = "info"; // SMTP password

$mail->From = "[email protected]";
$mail->FromName = "BVI Yacht Guide Sales";
$mail->AddAddress("[email protected]"); // optional name
//$mail->AddReplyTo("[email protected]","Information");

$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap
//$mail->AddAttachment("/var/tmp/file.tar.gz"); // attachment
//$mail->AddAttachment("/tmp/image.jpg", "new.jpg");
$mail->IsHTML(true); // send as HTML

$mail->Subject = "Someone's interested in the listing you have posted on the BVI Yacht Guide Website";

// --- Body ---

$body = "";

$body .="<html>";
$body .="<head>";
$body .="<META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type CONTENT='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>";
$body .="<style type='text/css'>";
$body .="body, pre {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size: 10pt;}";
$body .="a:link {color: #000099; text-decoration: none;}";
$body .="a:visited {color: #000099; text-decoration: none;}";
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$body .=".pe{font-style:Arial, courier, Times; font-size:9pt;}";
$body .="</style>";
$body .="</head>";
$body .="<body>";
$body .= "Hello <font size=\"2\">".$_POST["agentName"][$a]."</font>, <p>\n";
$body .= "An interested party has clicked through your listing on The BVI Yacht Guide web site which<br>
includes one or more of the regions that you work in. Below is a summary of<br>
the request. Please use the name of the contact below to see if it exists in your records. <br>
If it does not and you wish to get more information about this potential buuyer, please click the link below. <br>
Full contact information and referral agreement can be found at: <br>";
$body .= "<br><a href=\"http://www.bviyachtguide.com/inquires_agree.asp?inquire=".$_POST["idinquire"]."&agent=".$_POST["agentid"][$a]."&tpy=".$_POST["property_type"]."\">Click to see the referral agreement</a><br><br>";
$body .= "Name: \t".$_POST["name"]."<br>";

$body .= "Below is a summary of your requests. <br>";
if( @$_POST['info_house'] == "OK"){
$body .= " - Please send me more information about this yacht - <br>";
if( @$_POST['style_house'] == "OK"){
$body .= " - I like this yacht's style, what else do you have like it? - <br>";
if( @$_POST['full_list'] == "OK"){
$body .= " - Send me your full list of yachts. - <br>";
if($_POST["property_type"] == "rental"){
if( @$_POST['dont_send'] == "OK"){
$body .= " - Don't send me a BVI Yacht Guide, I already have one. - <br>";
$body .= "Other: {$_POST['other']}\n<br><br>";

$cantRental = count(@$_POST["islandR"]);
$cantSale = count(@$_POST["islandE"]);

if($cantRental > 0 OR $cantSale > 0){
$body .= "<font size=\"2\"><b>Realized Searches</b></font><p>\n";

if($cantSale > 0){
$countIndexE = count($_POST["islandIndexE"]);
//echo $countIndexE."<br>";
$islandE[$k] = $_POST["islandIndexE"][$k];
//echo $k."<br>";
$asignado = false;
$cantidadE[$k] = 0;

if($islandE[$k] == $_POST["islandE"][($q)]){

$minauxE[$k] = $_POST["minPriceE"][$q];
$maxauxE[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceE"][$q];
$bedauxE[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsE"][$q];

if($minauxE[$k] > $_POST["minPriceE"][$q]){
$minauxE[$k] = $_POST["minPriceE"][$q];

if($maxauxE[$k] < $_POST["maxPriceE"][$q]){
$maxauxE[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceE"][$q];

if($_POST["bedroomsE"][$q] == "All"){
$bedauxE[$k] = "All";
}elseif($bedauxE[$k] != "All"){
if($bedauxE[$k] < $_POST["bedroomsE"][$q]){
$bedauxE[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsE"][$q];
$existe = false;
$cant = 0;

if($islandS[$k] == $_POST["islandS"][$j]){
if($cant > 1){
$existe = true;
$j = 0;
while(($islandE[$k] <> $_POST["islandE"][$j]) AND (isset($_POST["islandE"][$j]))){
$minauxE[$k] = $_POST["minPriceE"][$q];
$maxauxE[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceE"][$q];
$bedauxE[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsE"][$q];
$cantidadE[$k] = 1;
$asignado = true;
/* echo $islandE[$k]."<br>";
echo $minauxE[$k]."<br>";
echo $maxauxE[$k]."<br>";
echo $bedauxE[$k]."<br>";
echo $cantidadE[$k]."<br><br>";*/

$body .= "<table width='600' border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>";
$body .= "<tr align='center' class='ptit'>";
$body .= "<td colspan='5'><b>Real Estate - Statistics</b></td>";
$body .= "</tr>";
$body .= "<tr align='center' class='p'>";
$body .= "<td > Island </td>";
$body .= "<td> Quantity </td>";
$body .= "<td> Minimal price </td>";
$body .= "<td> Maximum price </td>";
$body .= "<td> Cabins </td>";
$body .= "</tr>";

$body .= "<tr align='center' class='pe'>";
$body .= "<td>".$islandE[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>".$cantidadE[$p]."</td>";
if($minauxE[$p] == " - "){
$body .= "<td>".$minauxE[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>$ ".$minauxE[$p]."</td>";
if($maxauxE[$p] == 50000000){
$body .= "<td> Unlimited </td>";
}elseif($maxauxE[$p] == " - "){
$body .= "<td>".$maxauxE[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>$ ".$maxauxE[$p]."</td>";
if($bedauxE[$p] == 7){
$body .= "<td>More than 7</td>";
$body .= "<td>".$bedauxE[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "</tr>";

$body .= "</table><br><br>";

if($cantRental > 0){
$countIndexR = count($_POST["islandIndexR"]);
//echo $countIndexR;
$islandR[$k] = $_POST["islandIndexR"][$k];

$asignado = false;
$cantidadR[$k] = 0;
// echo $_POST["islandR"][$q]."<br>";

if(($islandR[$k] == $_POST["islandR"][($q)]) AND ($asignado == false)){

$minauxR[$k] = $_POST["minPriceR"][$q];
$maxauxR[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceR"][$q];
$bedauxR[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsR"][$q];

if($minauxR[$k] > $_POST["minPriceR"][$q]){
$minauxR[$k] = $_POST["minPriceR"][$q];

if($maxauxR[$k] < $_POST["maxPriceR"][$q]){
$maxauxR[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceR"][$q];

if($_POST["bedroomsR"][$q] == "All"){
$bedauxR[$k] = "All";
}elseif($bedauxR[$k] != "All"){
if($bedauxR[$k] < $_POST["bedroomsR"][$q]){
$bedauxR[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsR"][$q];

$existe = false;
$cant = 0;
if($islandR[$k] == $_POST["islandR"][$j]){
if($cant > 1){
$existe = true;
$j = 0;
while(($islandR[$k] <> $_POST["islandR"][$j]) AND (isset($_POST["islandR"][$j]))){

$minauxR[$k] = $_POST["minPriceR"][$j];
$maxauxR[$k] = $_POST["maxPriceR"][$j];
$bedauxR[$k] = $_POST["bedroomsR"][$j];
$cantidadR[$k] = 1;
$asignado = true;


/* echo $islandR[$k]."<br>";
echo $minauxR[$k]."<br>";
echo $maxauxR[$k]."<br>";
echo $bedauxR[$k]."<br>";
echo $cantidadR[$k]."<br><br>";*/

$body .= "<table width='600' border='1' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>";
$body .= "<tr align='center' class='ptit'>";
$body .= "<td colspan='5'><b>Charter Boat - Statistics</b></td>";
$body .= "</tr>";
$body .= "<tr align='center' class='p'>";
$body .= "<td> Island </td>";
$body .= "<td> Quantity </td>";
$body .= "<td> Minimal price </td>";
$body .= "<td> Maximum price </td>";
$body .= "<td> Cabins </td>";
$body .= "</tr>";

$body .= "<tr align='center' class='pe'>";
$body .= "<td>".$islandR[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>".$cantidadR[$p]."</td>";

if($minauxR[$p] == " - "){ //MIN
$body .= "<td>".$minauxR[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>$ ".$minauxR[$p]."</td>";

if($maxauxR[$p] == 10000){ //MAX
$body .= "<td> Unlimited </td>";
}elseif($maxauxR[$p] == " - "){
$body .= "<td>".$maxauxR[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "<td>$ ".$maxauxR[$p]."</td>";

if($bedauxR[$p] == 7){ //BED
$body .= "<td>More than 7</td>";
$body .= "<td>".$bedauxR[$p]."</td>";
$body .= "</tr>";

$body .= "</table>";
$body .= "<font size=\"2\"><b>Searches were not realized</b></font><p>\n";

$body .= "__________________<br><br>";
$body .= "<font size=\"2\" face=\"Times\">The BVI Yacht Guide</font><br>";
$body .= "<font size=\"1\">BVI: 1.284.494.7788<br>";
$body .= "USA: 1.305.433.8274<br>";
$body .= "E-mail: [email protected]<br>";
$body .= "P.O. Box 3895, Sea Cows Bay, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.<br></font>";

$body .="</body>";
$body .="</html>";

//echo $body."<br><br>";

// --- Errors ---

$mail->Body = $body;
//$mail->Body .= "Thought you might be interested in this property I found at [a href=\"http://www.bviyachtguide.com\n";\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.bviyachtguide.com\n";[/a]

//$mail->AltBody = "This is the text-only body";

echo "Message was not sent <p>";
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
}//End if
}//End for

print "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;URL=inquires_thanks.asp\"> \n";
}else{//End If
echo "Sorry, there is a fault on this page, please contact [email protected] <p>";
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