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Getting started with MVC


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I'd like to start using the MVC pattern and try to understand it fully. I do understand the concept... but I'm trying to grasp how I would put that down in code.


I want to make my framework modular, so this is an idea on how I'm going to lay it out.


Folders = --

Files = -


-- config

  - config for the system


-- docs

  -doc files


-- images

  -- image stuff here


-- modules

  -- module name

      - module files


-- pages

  - page1.php

  - page2.php


- index.php



Do you have any ideas on how I should start working out the bare bones of the structure?

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I started on the same endeavor this week. In fact, I already mentioned throwing up the code for another guy on the forums.


Right now it's about as bare bones as it gets. The core is functional, but I do have a couple more things I want to add before I call it complete. Anyway, here's how I went about it:


base - this is the base system that includes my code

    Libraries - class files used to build the base

          Loader.php - invokes the system and stores objects in a cache so that 1 instance can be shared

          Router.php - responsible for sending and receiving requests between model, view, controller

          Template.php - class used for generating the views (templates) and caching

          URI.php - class used for parsing/storing the URI requests that come in


cache - cached files generated by the view get stored here


ext - this is the extension of the base... actual user contributed code goes here

    Controllers - this is where controllers go

    Models - this is where models go

    Views - this is where views go


I've got a few more files laying around, but the above is what does the majority of the work. Like I said, I've got a few more things I want to do (mainly documentation) then I'll throw up the code and you're welcome to do whatever you want with it. I'll then wait eagerly for comments... and of course criticism on how I've developed things :)

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