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upload 2048mb help please..


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I need to no, if the correct settings for a .htacces file for 2gb file

example below cheers..


I need users to be able to upload 2gb files can it be done....


what better a ftp aproach or a normal browse button approach......



upload_max_filesize 2048M
php_value post_max_size 2048M


if the user get a time out message then there hard uploading file

has gone how to get the current file to add to it if they time out...


advance thank you...


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So if ftp will time out, Then the only option is post the file to upload,

so how does one create a program that revaladates what the user has already

got in file size uploaded, and only upload the curent wanted file size

and merge it to the current upload if the user times out...


is it possable via php..



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FTP will NOT timeout (unless the connection is lost)

FTP is better (one with resumable uploads)


as for uploading via a form you may want to check include the max_input_time directives

  max_input_time  integer


    This sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST, GET and file uploads.


EDIT: but if the upload via a from fails half way you can not resume (unless you use CGI or something)

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If you uploading via from then no, php can't even montior how much data has been passed,


as for FTP (a resumable server), your need to upload from an FTP client, whish also allows resumable uploads, when you attempt to re-upload a file that already exists the client will prompt the user to append or overwrite

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Had to be install on the clients PC, closes to get to a web solution would be a JavaApplet or ActiveX (BHO)

you can get applets (i used for a projects) its a small FTP upload (no install needed) and you could include the FTP setting with the droplet


..Searching for it...


maybe this



i havn't used that one (well it was years ago)




as for the form review this http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.common-pitfalls.php

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Last quistion thank you...


if i create a p2p program on films


a user creates a acoount, the user has to upload a film to download

a film meaning now it's sherering under the p2p act...


does that sound legal..........


Are the users the owners to the rights of these films? Otherwise, it is highly unlikely it will be legal.

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on the legal side (i'm in the UK), from what i know..

if your site/host contains copyrighted materal and copies, modifies, display, perform or distribute in anyway than thats illegal.


as for Peer2Peer law.. well thats still in court last i hear'd!


as for the FTP thing, years ago before torrents, you could find a FTP server that had a ratio share you upload 20Meg you can now browse the FTP server and download 10Meg (if the ratio was 2/1) these FTP servers still exist but are less common "FTP ratio server"


EDIT: Follow up from thorpe, you may want to include a disclaimer on the signup say the user uploading the stuff is responceble and not you or your host provider

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I wrote some code for a file upload to FTP a short while ago.


I changed the php.ini file's post_max size and load time variables and am now able to upload files in size well over 2mb. Some hosts I believe don't like this, but when I did it I was using my own web server so im not sure..

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