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URL Encoding


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still new to php.  got a side job and need to know how do you hide variables from a link so a user can't hover their mouse over the http link and see the whole link?  I need to send an http link to another company's API that requires all the variables in a link that is passed.


something like this for example:


$DownloadLink = "http://www.domain.com/test.mp3"


$link = "www.theirDomain.com/testapi.asmx/Send?Email=yourmail&Password=yourpass&DownloadLink=".$DownloadLink."";

there's more variables to this $link but you get the idea.  I don't want anyone to see the actual email, password, etc. that's in the link though if they hover their mouse.  they mentioned I have to do URL Encoding or something like that?

Can anyone help explain how to do this so people can't steal the password and all that.  i'm a newbie to this url encode so if you can provide code that would do it that would be great. 


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You could obfuscate it, but even that isn't recommended. Security through obscurity is not a smart game plan.


Your best bet is to cURL/fopen the information over to the other api and grab and parse the results yourself. This way the end user never sees anything beyond a possible identifying key which references that information.


Even then, sending any sensitive information via HTTP over the net is never smart.

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or use md5 but md5 is not un criptable....



or even for non hackers base64




I tried reading those and still a little confused as to how i could use them.  the mod_rewrite seems like it redirects you to a site that is a shortcut of the actual link so you can hide variables which is cool. 


but I just want to send a link to this company and it spits back a success or failure value.  a user inputs their ID and I validate that it exists and they have money in account and can download a specific file... when they click download they aren't actually going to a website with this link.  it's just a link that's going to this companie's API that parses the variables and that company is like the middle man and sends an email to that users ID. they check their email and click downloadable link. 





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