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How would I do this in a form...


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If a user enters in certain characters like: *$% I want to do an if with an error statement. IE:

if (user enters these characters *$%){
don't insert data into database and give error message
else {
if none of the above characters are in the form. insert data.

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Allowed: A-Za-z0-9.!?,"


For some reason when I do this:



It allows the < and >... but if I just enter one < or > it doesn't allow it.


if (!empty($title) && !empty($description)) {
	if (ereg('[A-Za-z0-9.!?,"]',$description)) {
		if (@mysql_query (htmlspecialchars($query))) {
		echo 'Yayayaya';
		else {
		echo 'An error has occured please try again.';
	else {
	echo 'Some of the characters are not allowed.';
else {
echo 'You have empty fields.';

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^ That only matches a single character.  Append a + to match one or more characters.



^ Matches one or more.  Prefix a caret and append a dollar sign to specify the beginning and end of the string.



^ Should be closer to what you want.


I normally use preg_match() and I'm not sure if it behaves any differently than ereg.  With preg_match() it'd be closer to:

$regexp = '/^[A-Za-z0-9.!?,"]+$/';
if(!preg_match($regexp, $stringToTest)){
  echo 'error';

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AFAIK you have to begin and end the regexp with matching chars, in this case I use forward slashes.  I believe the characters you use are arbitrary, for example I think this is just as valid (though I've never tried it):

$regexp = '@^[A-Za-z0-9.!?,"]+$@';


I believe whichever char you use needs to be escaped within the regexp though.


For example, if I want to match two forward slashes, I can do this:


or I can do this:


Notice how in the second example I didn't have to escape the forward slashes with a backslash.


I'm going from memory here so I could be mistaken.  Someone else might be able to give a better or more concrete answer.

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