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apache install problem


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I have downloaded the 2.2.8 Apache server source, ran


, ran


, and

make install

to compile and install the software.

Now, I am in my


directory and in my instructions I am supposed to run

apachectl start

but when I do my console says this:

frijole@theBean:/usr/local/apache2/bin$ apachectl start
bash: apachectl: command not found

Does anyone know what is going on? Thanks for reading through all of that by the way.

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I have tried with sudo, but still nothing. Here is the terminal data if that helps:

frijole@theBean:/usr/local/apache2/bin$ sudo apachectl start
sudo: apachectl: command not found
frijole@theBean:/usr/local/apache2/bin$ sudo apachectl
sudo: apachectl: command not found

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/usr/local/apache2/bin won't be in your path so you will need to execute...


./apachctl start


from within /usr/local/apache2/bin


Can I ask what distro your using and why you have chosen to install from source?

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I'm using Ubuntu 8.04, I mostly just wanted to do it for the experience. I am setting up Apache, MySQL, and PHP.


/usr/local/apache2/bin won't be in my path because of Ubuntu not allowing me to be root?


What does the




I ran ./apachectl and this is what I got:


frijole@theBean:/usr/local/apache2/bin$ sudo ./apachectl start
[sudo] password for frijole: 
httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName


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/usr/local/apache2/bin won't be in your path because it is an unusual location to store a binary. /usr/local/bin will be in your path, along with the other common locations. Check it out by typing...


echo $PATH


in your term.


The ./ allows you to execute a program in the current directory. thus eliminating the need for it to be in your path.


As for your error. You need to set the ServerName directive within your httpd.conf file. Also, make sure your /etc/hosts file is setup correctly. Post it here if your not sure.

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I checked my /etc/host.conf and it is empty except for some comments. What should this file contain?


Also, I used the Alias directive to enable me to put my web files in a different directory, like this:

 # Example:
    # Alias /webpath /full/filesystem/path
    # If you include a trailing / on /webpath then the server will
    # require it to be present in the URL.  You will also likely
    # need to provide a <Directory> section to allow access to
    # the filesystem path.
    Alias /PHP_Projects /home/frijole/Documents/phpclass


But, when I try to access a file in that location from a web browser, it says permission denied.


Although when i go to "localhost" it shows a web page that just says "it works" which I think means the Apache server is set up ok? Why would permission be denied?

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