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i have a page that has a form, with one select buton, and on sumbit generates a pdf document.





The problem is that i have a  have a select buton on wich i select my client, but every client has several  acounts,

i would like after i select the client to chose from his acounts, all of this data are stored in a mysql database,


I was thinking to make 2 submit buttons, one to take all his acounts and let me chose from them and the secont to have the action to create a pdf,



but the form is defined like this : <form method="POST" action="pdf/port.php" >



how can i make that one submit buton to have the action="" and the other action="pdf/port.php" ?


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recap my understanding of your question:

- you have a form with 2 drop down boxes

- second drop down box (ie/ the accounts) must be selected in order to proceed to 'pdf/port.php'

- you use the first drop down box (ie/ the users) to narrow down selection in 2nd drop down box


assume your page is form.php


Have the first drop down box submit to this page (ie/ form.php)

and whenever you visit this page check if there's any argument been passed to it..

a pseudo code to demostrate:

  -- set the first drop down box to this username
  -- display 2nd drop down box with appropriate values
else //no argument 'username' found
  -- only display first drop down box

-- your form

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here is my form code


or die ("Nu ma pot conecta la baza de date");

or die ("Nu gasesc baza de date");

<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" >
<form method="POST" action="pdf/port.php">
	<td><input type="text" value="<?php echo date ('Y-m-d');?>" name="data" readonly></td>
	<td><select name="id_bo"><?php $queryS="SELECT `Id_bo` FROM `conturi` where `activ`='Da'";  
	if ($r=mysql_query($queryS))
			while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
			echo "<option value=$row[0]> $row[0] </option>";
	<td><input type="submit" value="Vizualizare Port" name="vizualizare_date"></td>





and i would like to have something like this:




or die ("Nu ma pot conecta la baza de date");

or die ("Nu gasesc baza de date");
$query="SELECT * from conturi where `id_bo`='$id_bo'
while ($y=mysql_fetch_array($x))

<body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" >
<form method="POST" action="pdf/port.php">
	<td><input type="text" value="<?php echo date ('Y-m-d');?>" name="data" readonly></td>
	<td><select name="id_bo"><?php $queryS="SELECT `Id_bo` FROM `conturi` where `activ`='Da'";  
	if ($r=mysql_query($queryS))
			while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($r))
			echo "<option value=$row[0]> $row[0] </option>";
//<?php   if(isset($nr_cont)) echo "<tr> <td> <select name="select_conturi">;foreach echo "<option value=$nr_cont">$nr_cont</option>";echo  "</select>";
echo  "</td></tr>; ?>

	<td><input type="submit" value="Vizualizare Port" name="vizualizare_date" action="pdf/port.php"></td>  //sending to pdf/port.php
      <td><input type="submit" value="Preluare Date" name="preluare_date" action="local page"></td> //taking data



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