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[SOLVED] file_get_contents 404 error.


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Right got the post wrote down now :D



include ('function.php');
foreach ($linkss as $line_num => $link) {
$pieces = explode('/', $link);
linkgetter($link, "links.txt", "");


something.txt format:



Important linkgetter code:

function linkgetter($url, $filename, $testinternal)
$fh=fopen('something.txt', 'w') or die();
$output = file_get_contents($url, "r"); 
//do stuff with output

All that Function.php just includes the linkgetter function. The linkgetter function just gets some links (I'm tracking backlinks and checking if they still work) and prints some info.


Now I'm using PHP 4 on a  local sever, though the websites are online. Every loop I get the following error message.


Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.example.com/page/1.html ) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\scraper\function.php on line 7


If i replace $url with $output = file_get_contents(http://www.example.com/page/1.html, "r"); it works. (The Page exists.)


So what am I doing wrong?

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You're missing an opening quote.




should be




Yea I changed the filename for viewing here, accedently deleted a ' .


If i replace $url with $output = file_get_contents(http://www.example.com/page/1.html, "r"); it works.


I don't see where you use $url in your code. Anyway, are url_wrappers enabled?


It is there:


function linkgetter([b]$url[/b], $filename, $testinternal)
$fh=fopen('something.txt', 'w') or die();
$output = file_get_contents([b]$url[/b], "r"); 
//do stuff with output

foreach ($linkss as $line_num => $link) {
$pieces = explode('/', $link);
linkgetter([b]$link[/b], "links.txt", "");


Basicly it takes lists of links from a txt file, then takes the pages to check for certain info.


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