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PHP Differences in Windows Enterprise/Standard version?

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I'm still very much the noob, but with some help from here I managed to get a script for importing users into Moodle from SIMS working on my test server.  (A script originally written by D Willington, but who would probably cry at what I've done to it!)


It ran fine on my Win2003 Server with PHP 5.2.3 and mysql 5.0.37, importing 590 classes, 1300ish teachers and students and then making sure the teachers and classes were correctly allocated.


My production server however has refused to run the script despite all my efforts to pursuede it to.


My question is: Are there any settings in Windows 2003 Enterprise that might differ from the generic 2003 Server edition?  I originally planned on upgrading the php and mysql to latest versions along with the Moodle version, but having discovered problems tried many combinations, and ended up with the same set my test server is running, to no avail.  The IIS settings are identical on both, as are the folder permissions on the relevant data folders.  The hardware is the only other major difference I can see, the production server is a 2xQuad core 8Gb RAM beasty whilst the test server has only one core and 1Gb Ram, but I believe this shouldnt be an issue.


The script seems to be timing out (despite 'finishing' way before the test server), and instead of moving to the next section, simply bombs out with no errors.  The various debugging modes seem to provide no further info!


I realise this is a tad vague but if anyone has any ideas I'd be very very grateful!  I'd rather not post the code directly as it is fairly large, and also not pretty!



That is part of the problem - there are no errors.  The code simply seems to end mid-process.

I dabbled with the debugging options but didnt get any joy there either.

I've actually managed to get the code to complete by modifying the URL to hit the next section manually as the sections are broken up into different actions. (See code snippet below)


    echo "<p><a href='importSIMSdata.php?action=addpupils'>Add pupils as users</a></p>";


All users appear to be present, and on a quick inspection also allocated to where they are meant to be, its just very odd!



Re-ran this with those debug options on, and still got no errors, and it died the same way.


I've got a working data-set now and this script is not likely to be run again as its only used for the initial creation of the users.  It would have been nice to iron this out some more but I simply dont have the time available at the minute! :(  I was very curious as to how a script could work on one machine and not on another when given similar php/mysql/IIS settings!


I've just done a phpinfo on both servers and have come across something a little odd :/  Possibly this could explain it - the


statement is pointing to C:\php whilst PHP was installed to d:\php.

It appears


is also pointing to a local c:\ drive install that doesnt exist...curious...Will have to see if I can overwrite these defaults somewhere...


Thanks for the ideas tho,



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