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$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] Problem

New Coder

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Hello all,


I'm trying to make a form so that people can notify us of their personal details changing.

So far I have this page:


		$email = $_POST['email'];
			$change = $_POST['change];
			$sent = $_POST['sent'];

		$form="<form action=\"$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']\" method=\"post\">";
		$form.="User ID:<br>$user_id<br><br>";
		$form.="Email:<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"email\"";
		$form.=" size=\"50\" value=\"$email\"><br><br>";
		$form.="Change:<br><textarea name=\"change\"";
		$form.="cols=\"30\" rows=\"5\">$change</textarea>";
		$form.="<br> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"sent\" ";
		$form.="value=\"Send Form\"></form>";

			{ $valid=true;  #set variable default value

		if( !$email)
		{ $errmsg.="Enter email address:<br>"; $valid=false;}
			$email = trim( $email );

			$_name = "/^[-!#$%&\'*+\\.\/0-9=?A-Z*\{|}~]+";
			$_host = "([0-9A-Z]+\.+)+";
			$_tlds = "([0-9A-Z]){2,4}$/i";

			if( !preg_match($_name."@".$_host.$_tlds,$email) )
  			$errmsg .="Email address has incorrect format!<br>";
  			$valid = false;}

		if( !$change )
			{ $errmsg.="Enter you changes:<br>"; $valid=false;}

		if( $valid != true){echo( $errmsg. $form);}
			{ $to = "email@somewhere.com";
				$re = "Details Changed from $user_id";
				$msg = $change;
				$headers = "From: $email \r\n";
				if( mail( $to, $re, $msg, $headers ) )
			 {echo("Thanks for your changes, $user_id");}


Gives me a blank page... but if I remove $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] from the code a page does display but will not function.


Do I need to add/uncomment an extension in the php.ini file?

I'm lost...


Many Thanks

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Please change the way you use the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] variable inside the the quoted string. There are couple of ways of solving this problem. Either remove the single quote around PHP_SELF or add flower brace around the $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] variable to make the variable usage in a non-ambiguous manner.


Present Problematic Code:


$form="<form action=\"$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']\" method=\"post\">"; 


Change To:

Possiblity 1:

$form="<form action=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]\" method=\"post\">"; 

Possiblity 2:

$form="<form action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" method=\"post\">"; 




"Happy Coding"

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You can't have a quoted index in a quoted string, do this instead:

$form="<form action='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}' method='post'>";


Also, notice that you can eliminate all the of escaped double quotes by replacing them with single quotes.



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I have tried all suggestions,

If I leave a field blank it does prompt to say which field is blank, so that much is working.

If all fields are filled in and I press submit, the form disappears, no email arrives and I do not get the "Thanks for your changes..." message.

Do I need to have register_global = on in my ini file?


Many Thanks



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Possible problem is with how you configured the PHP to send mails out of the applications. A proper mail configuration is required for sending mails from PHP programs.


following are the php.ini variables needs to be set properly for mail to work properly 'sendmail_from' and 'sendmail_path'.




"Happy Coding"

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