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serious need help with this errors

Go to solution Solved by nobleman80,

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i m facing this 2 errors in the below script

Notice: Undefined index: media in D:\server\website\htdocs\wefondyou\themes\grape\layout\story\content.phtml on line 107

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\server\website\htdocs\wefondyou\themes\grape\layout\story\content.phtml on line 107


I had tried add isset and is_array to line, the errors gone away, but image also gone away. any ideas??

<div id="story_<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>" class="story-wrapper story_<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>" data-story-id="<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>">
    <div class="publisher-wrapper">
        <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td width="48px" align="left" valign="top">
                <a href="<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['username']; ?>">
                    <img class="avatar" src="<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['thumbnail_url']; ?>" width="40px" height="40px" alt="<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['name']; ?>">
            <td align="left" valign="top">
                <a class="name" href="<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['publisher']['username']; ?>">
                    <?php echo substr($sk['story']['publisher']['name'], 0, 35); ?>
                if ($sk['story']['recipient_exists'] == true) {
                <i class="icon-arrow-right recipient-indicator-icon"></i> <a class="name" href="<?php echo $sk['story']['recipient']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['recipient']['username']; ?>">
                    <?php echo substr($sk['story']['recipient']['name'], 0, 35); ?>

                echo $sk['story']['activity_text'];
                <div class="other-data">
                    <span class="time-wrapper ajax-time" title="<?php echo date('c', $sk['story']['time']); ?>">
                        <?php echo date('c', $sk['story']['time']); ?>
                    if ($sk['story']['location_exists'] == true) {
                    <abbr class="space3">·</abbr>
                    <span class="location-wrapper" title="<?php echo $sk['story']['location']['name']; ?>">
                        <i class="icon-map-marker"></i>
                        <?php echo $sk['story']['location']['name']; ?>
        if ($sk['logged'] == true) {
        <div class="setting-buttons">
            if ($sk['story']['admin'] == true) {
            <span class="remove-btn cursor-hand" title="<?php echo $lang['remove']; ?>" onclick="SK_deletePostWindow(<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>);">
                <i class="icon-remove progress-icon"></i>
            } elseif (!SK_isPostReported($sk['story']['id'])) {
            <span class="report-btn cursor-hand" title="<?php echo $lang['report']; ?>" onclick="SK_reportPost(<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>);">
                <i class="icon-flag progress-icon"></i>
    if ($sk['logged'] == true) {
    <div class="options-wrapper">
        <?php echo SK_getPostLikeButton($sk['story']['id']); ?>
        <abbr class="space6">·</abbr>
        <?php echo SK_getPostShareButton($sk['story']['id']); ?>
        <abbr class="space6">·</abbr>
        <?php echo SK_getPostFollowButton($sk['story']['id']); ?>
    if (!empty($sk['story']['text'])) {
    <div class="text-wrapper">
        <?php echo $sk['story']['text']; ?>
    if ($sk['story']['media_exists'] == true) {
        // If it is photos
        if ($sk['story']['media_type'] == "photos") {
        <div class="photos-wrapper">
            $photo_class = 'width-' . $sk['story']['media_num'];
            if ($sk['story']['media_num'] >= 3) {
                $photo_class = 'width-3';
   LINE HERE 107  ----->       foreach ($sk['story']['media'] as $photo) {
            <a href="javascript:void(0);">
                <img class="<?php echo $photo_class; ?>" src="<?php echo $photo['url']; ?>" alt="Photo" onclick="javascript:SK_openLightbox(<?php echo $photo['post_id']; ?>);">
        } elseif ($sk['story']['media_type'] == "soundcloud") {
        <div class="soundcloud-wrapper" align="center">
            <iframe frameborder="0" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=<?php echo $sk['story']['media']['url']; ?>&color=f07b22" width="100%"></iframe>
        } elseif ($sk['story']['media_type'] == "youtube") {
        <div class="youtube-wrapper" align="center">
            <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/<?php echo $sk['story']['media']['id']; ?>?ap=%2526fmt%3D18&disablekb=1&rel=0" width="100%" height="300px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    } elseif ($sk['story']['location_exists'] == true) {
    <div class="google-map-viewer-wrapper" align="center">
        <img src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=<?php echo $sk['story']['location']['name']; ?>&zoom=13&size=600x300&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:red%7C<?php echo $sk['story']['location']['name']; ?>" width="100%" alt="<?php echo $sk['story']['location']['name']; ?>">
    <div class="activity-wrapper">
        <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td align="left" valign="middle">
                    <span class="story-like-activity">
                        echo SK_getPostLikeActivityButton($sk['story']['id']);
                    <abbr class="space6">·</abbr>
                    <span class="story-comment-activity">
                        echo SK_getPostCommentActivityButton($sk['story']['id']);
                    <abbr class="space6">·</abbr>
                    <span class="story-share-activity">
                        echo SK_getPostShareActivityButton($sk['story']['id']);
                <td align="right" valign="middle">
                    <?php if ($sk['story']['via_type'] == "like") {
                    <a class="via-name" href="<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['username']; ?>">
                        <?php echo $sk['story']['via']['name']; ?>
                    </a> <?php echo $lang['likes_this_label']; ?>
                    } elseif ($sk['story']['via_type'] == "share") {
                    <a class="via-name" href="<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['username']; ?>">
                        <?php echo $sk['story']['via']['name']; ?>
                    </a> <?php echo $lang['shared_this_label']; ?>
                    } elseif ($sk['story']['via_type'] == "tag") {
                    <a class="via-name" href="<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['url']; ?>" data-href="?tab1=timeline&id=<?php echo $sk['story']['via']['username']; ?>">
                        <?php echo substr($sk['story']['via']['name'], 0, 15); ?>
                    </a> <?php echo $lang['tagged_on_this_label']; ?>
    <div class="comments-container hidden">
        if ($sk['story']['view_all_comments'] == true) {
        <div class="view-more-wrapper" align="center" onclick="SK_loadAllComments(<?php echo $sk['story']['id']; ?>);">
            <i class="icon-lightbulb progress-icon hide"></i>
            echo $lang['view_all_comments_label'];
        <div class="comments-wrapper">
            echo $sk['story']['comments'];
        echo $sk['story']['comment']['publisher_box'];
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This is actually one error.  It namely being $sk['story']['media'] is not a valid array index, which means it doesn't exist.  Therefore, foreach throws an error that says it is invalid.  So, fix the array (or the index) and it should work.

PS. Ginerjm the OP did point it out, you just have to sort through that long list of code to find it.

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This is actually one error.  It namely being $sk['story']['media'] is not a valid array index, which means it doesn't exist.  Therefore, foreach throws an error that says it is invalid.  So, fix the array (or the index) and it should work.


PS. Ginerjm the OP did point it out, you just have to sort through that long list of code to find it.

thanks for you kind reply,

i have edit the code as below, the error as gone but photos not appear.

 if (isset($sk['story']['media'])){
            foreach ((array)$sk['story']['media'] as $photo) {
            <a href="javascript:void(0);">
                <img class="<?php echo $photo_class; ?>" src="<?php echo $photo['url']; ?>" alt="Photo" onclick="javascript:SK_openLightbox(<?php echo $photo['post_id']; ?>);">
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Simply adding an isset doesn't change the fact that the index isn't set. Which is why your photo isn't showing.


You have just told it to not even try to load any photos, if the index isn't set. While that is correct, you still must fix the original problem.


To debug, add the following to your script.

echo '<pre>' . print_r($sk,true) . '</pre>';
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  • Solution

Simply adding an isset doesn't change the fact that the index isn't set. Which is why your photo isn't showing.


You have just told it to not even try to load any photos, if the index isn't set. While that is correct, you still must fix the original problem.


To debug, add the following to your script.

echo '<pre>' . print_r($sk,true) . '</pre>';

thanks i found the problem in my database. solved..

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