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  2. Dear Mr.mac_gyver & Mr.Barand, Thanks for your support. The above code is working properly.
  3. nevermind. it sucks.. i tried. We all fail somtimes.
  4. Yes, I tried console.log() and alert() to check each line and function. In initial function it is giving at document.getElementById('MessageContainerHead').appendChild( document.getElementById('MessageContainerFoot') ); i tried doing var d= document.createElement("div"); d.classList.add("MessageContainerFoot"); document.getElementById("MessageContainerHead").appendChild(d); But from next part document.getElementById('MessageContainerFoot').show["display"] = "block"; won't work .
  5. Is this a good idea.. in a layered security sorta way... if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" || $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { // List of SQL injection terms to blacklist $sqlInjectionTerms = array('DROP', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE', 'INSERT', 'SELECT', 'AND', 'TRUNCATE', 'UNION', 'SELECT * FROM'); // Function to check for SQL injection terms in request parameters function checkForSqlInjection($requestData, $sqlInjectionTerms) { // Check if $requestData is an array if (!is_array($requestData)) { return; // Exit function if $requestData is not an array } foreach ($requestData as $param => $value) { // Check if $value is a string if (!is_string($value)) { continue; // Skip iteration if $value is not a string } foreach ($sqlInjectionTerms as $term) { if (stripos($value, $term) !== false) { // Detected potential SQL injection; terminate script execution // die("Potential SQL injection detected in parameter: " . htmlspecialchars($param)); echo $string = "FLAG:".bin2hex(random_bytes(10)); echo "<br>"; die (" error: 000ajfw5"); } } } } // Check for SQL injection in GET parameters if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET") { checkForSqlInjection($_GET, $sqlInjectionTerms); } // Check for SQL injection in POST parameters if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { checkForSqlInjection($_POST, $sqlInjectionTerms); } } yes, I already use PDOs.
  6. Yesterday
  7. here's some coding pointers - don't copy variables to other variables for nothing. just use the original variable(s) that data is in. don't write out code for every possible value. use a data-driven design and let the computer operate on each value for you. here's what I came up with. in your initialization section - // define the month number and names (columns) $months = [1=>"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Decm"]; // note: the reason you needed to use decm is because dec is a reserved word. you can use dec if you surround it in back-tacks in any sql statement inside the while(){...} loop - // array to hold the data for the current row $data = []; // loop over the month number and month names foreach($months as $mo=>$month) { // produce the year-month value $ym = $row['Year'] .'-'. str_pad($mo,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); // test if the year-month is between the start and end dates if($ym >= $row['start'] && $ym <= $row['end']) // use whatever you have named the start and end date columns { // put the value into the data array // use zero for any empty value $data[] = $row[$month] == '' ? 0 : $row[$month]; } } // at this point, $data contains the entries to use for the current row of fetched data // examine the result echo '<pre>'; print_r($data); echo '</pre>'; // calculate the average $TotalMark = round((array_sum($data)) / count($data), 2); // examine the result echo $TotalMark; note: you should use a value like 9999-12 for the end date for a person who is still employed
  8. Working with what you've unfortunately got now, when you read through the query results store each record in an array which has a subarray for month values. Covert the start and dates to index values for this array (0 if the start date is earlier than Jan and 11 if the end date is after Dec. Just use that portion of the array to calculate totals and averages.
  9. since your data isn't normalized, and is stored in month name columns in a single row, you will need to produce a year-month value, e.g. 2023-04, ... for each piece of data so that you can compare if it is BETWEEN the start and end dates OR you could normalize the data, and store each value in its own row in a table. the normalized data table would have columns for - id (autoincrement primary index), Emp_No, date, and amount. i also recommend that you store the dates using a DATE datatype and use 01 as the day part - year-month-01, e.g. 2023-04-10, 2024-06-01, ...
  10. Dear Mr.Barand, Can you please guide me
  11. Now you have all the data you need to do what you wanted to do. For each mark record,j ust include the values for those months that lie within the data range and job done.
  12. Have you checked for Javascript errors? Are you sure your initial function is running? Is it possible the element did move after all and it's just not displaying how you expect it to? You have a process for doing the work. Check it, step by step, to find out where it stops working.
  13. Ok. I understood. I included the end month also in the user table. Please check the new dump on the below link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hhcx8CX_EjdcEI-hoPAmVXbr6bLNTkLF/view?usp=sharing
  14. that's not what @Barand and I are trying to get you to understand. for the example he asked about - you need to know which if any of the empty/zero - sep, oct, nov, and dec values should be included in the sum/count to produce the average for the year in question. if the end date for that user was 2023-08, you don't included any of those empty values in the average calculation. if the end date is a value greater than 2023-08 or is an empty/null/maximum-value, you would treat some or all of these empty values as zeros and include them in the average calculation for the year in question.
  15. Dear Mr.mac_gyvr, I need to calculate the average every year (year-wise), not cumulative average.
  16. i hope that isn't real data with actual password hashes? you need an end date, so that you can only include data that's between the start date and the end date.
  17. Dear Mr.Barand, we can use the below query to display the name and branch from the user table. $query = "SELECT a.*, b.Name as Name, b.Branch as Branch FROM kra.mark as a inner join kra.users as b on b.Emp_No = a.Emp_No $where"; For your reference, I upload the user's table below link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cj8uxhX08z98qdGOmcvZxeU4B2gH31qP/view?usp=sharing I created a column Startmonth and updated it when it starts from. Once the user leaves, his account is deactivated and the Status becomes 0. If the status is 0 we can calculate up to the last updated month. Kindly suggest me how to do this
  18. In a php script i am trying to display all messages include error, info, warning and success messages inside a <div> tag at starting of every page after <header></header> and inside <body> tag as used in WebERP. In my script, its displays above the footer which is end of the page. Here are my code Php function for message include('MiscFunctions.php'); <?php function prnMsg($Msg, $Type = 'info', $Prefix = '') { global $Messages; $Messages[] = array($Msg, $Type, $Prefix); } ?> in footer.php i have these lines to collect all the messages <?php if (isset($Messages) and count($Messages) > 0) { foreach ($Messages as $Message) { $Prefix = ''; switch ($Message[1]) { case 'error': $Class = 'error'; $Prefix = $Prefix ? $Prefix : 'ERROR' . ' ' . 'Report'; echo '<div class="alert alert-custom alert-danger fade show mb-5 ' . $Class . '" role="alert"> <div class="alert-icon"> <i class="flaticon-warning"></i> </div> <div class="alert-text"><strong>' . $Prefix . '</strong> : ' . $Message[0] . '</div> <div class="alert-close"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <i class="ki ki-close"></i> </span> </button> </div> </div>'; break; case 'warn': case 'warning': $Class = 'warn'; $Prefix = $Prefix ? $Prefix : 'WARNING' . ' ' . 'Report'; echo '<div class="alert alert-custom alert-warning fade show mb-5 Message ' . $Class . ' noPrint" role="alert"> <div class="alert-icon"> <i class="flaticon2-warning"></i> </div> <div class="alert-text"><strong>' . $Prefix . '</strong> : ' . $Message[0] . '</div> <div class="alert-close"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <i class="ki ki-close"></i> </span> </button> </div> </div> '; break; case 'success': $Class = 'success'; $Prefix = $Prefix ? $Prefix : 'SUCCESS' . ' ' . 'Report'; echo '<div class="alert alert-custom alert-success fade show mb-5 Message ' . $Class . ' noPrint" role="alert"> <div class="alert-icon"> <i class="flaticon-like"></i> </div> <div class="alert-text"><strong>' . $Prefix . '</strong> : ' . $Message[0] . '</div> <div class="alert-close"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true"> <i class="ki ki-close"></i> </span> </button> </div> </div> '; break; case 'info': default: $Prefix = $Prefix ? $Prefix : 'INFORMATION' . ' ' . 'Message'; $Class = 'info'; echo '<div id="MessageContainerFoot"> <div class="Message ', $Class, ' noPrint"> <span class="MessageCloseButton">&times;</span> <b>', $Message[2], '</b> : ', $Message[0], ' </div> </div>'; } } } ?> <footer class="content-footer footer bg-footer-theme bg-dark">---- </footer> To display messages on top of the page i append messages from footer to header i have - MiscFunctions.js function initial() { document.getElementById('MessageContainerHead').appendChild( document.getElementById('MessageContainerFoot') ); document.getElementById('MessageContainerFoot').style["display"] = "block"; var close = document.getElementsByClassName("MessageCloseButton"); var i; for (i = 0; i < close.length; i++) { close[i].onclick = function(){ var div = this.parentElement; div.style.opacity = "0"; setTimeout(function(){ div.style.display = "none"; }, 600); } } } window.onload=initial; in css i have a line #MessageContainerFoot { display: none; } initial function is called like this <body onLoad="initial();"> After body tag i use <div id="MessageContainerHead"></div> to display message. In any page if i call prnMsg function like this prnMsg('The account name already exists in the database','error'); message displays in footer area/ end of the page. it is not getting displayed in <div id="MessageContainerHead"></div> i am not getting what is wrong. Can somebody help
  19. Dear Mr.Barand, At the starting of this project I don't plan for these calculations. So I didn't store the details like when he is joined and when he is left. The branch will be fetched from user table with inner join query using employee number
  20. Last week
  21. How do you know that he started in July? How do you know that Kuldeep Singh (#230) didn't leave at the end August and his average shouldn't be calculated over 8 months? In other words, what is the rule for when to include blank values in the averages and when to ignore them? [edit] BTW, there is no "branch" column the "mark" table
  22. Dear Mr.Barand, I am just storing the data month-wise. Please refer the table dump with the below link. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kRszTxRE0GZZlQG4FIkvOQupYv-itK8e/view?usp=sharing This is an old project. Please suggest me how to modify the table structure and how to calculate the average
  23. Stop storing spreadsheets in your database. Come back when you have normalized data.
  24. Dear Team, I want to calculate the engineer's average mark for every year. I am using the bellow code for calculating $where_columns = ['Year' => 'Year', 'Branch' => 'Branch']; $CurrentYear = date('Y'); $where_terms = []; foreach ($where_columns as $col => $input) { if ($_POST[$input] == !'') { $where_terms[] = "$col= '$_POST[$input]' "; } } $where = ''; if (!empty($where_terms)) { $where = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where_terms); } else { $where = 'WHERE 1 '; } $query = "SELECT * FROM kra.mark $where"; $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $Emp_Name = $row['Emp_Name']; $Emp_No = $row['Emp_No']; $Branch = $row['Branch']; $Year = $row['Year']; $Jan = $row["Jan"]; $Feb = $row["Feb"]; $Mar = $row["Mar"]; $Apr = $row["Apr"]; $May = $row["May"]; $Jun = $row["Jun"]; $Jul = $row["Jul"]; $Aug = $row["Aug"]; $Sep = $row["Sep"]; $Oct = $row["Oct"]; $Nov = $row["Nov"]; $Dec = $row["Decm"]; if($Jan == ""){ $Jan1 = 0; }else{ $Jan1 = $Jan; } if ($Feb == "") { $Feb1 = 0; } else { $Feb1 = $Feb; } if ($Mar == "") { $Mar1 = 0; } else { $Mar1 = $Mar; } if ($Apr == "") { $Apr1 = 0; } else { $Apr1 = $Apr; } if ($May == "") { $May1 = 0; } else { $May1 = $May; } if ($Jun == "") { $Jun1 = 0; } else { $Jun1 = $Jun; } if ($Jul == "") { $Jul1 = 0; } else { $Jul1 = $Jul; } if ($Aug == "") { $Aug1 = 0; } else { $Aug1 = $Aug; } if ($Sep == "") { $Sep1 = 0; } else { $Sep1 = $Sep; } if ($Oct == "") { $Oct1 = 0; } else { $Oct1 = $Oct; } if ($Nov == "") { $Nov1 = 0; } else { $Nov1 = $Nov; } if ($Dec == "") { $Dec1 = 0; } else { $Dec1 = $Dec; } if ($Year == $CurrentYear) { $currentMonth = date('M', strtotime(date('Y-m') . " -1 month")); if ($currentMonth == 'Dec') { $result2 = "Decm"; } else { $result2 = $currentMonth; } if ($row[$result2] == '') { $previous_month = date('m', strtotime(date('Y-m') . " -2 month")); } else { $previous_month = date('m', strtotime(date('Y-m') . " -1 month")); } try { $TotalMark = round(($Jan1 + $Feb1 + $Mar1 + $Apr1 + $May1 + $Jun1 + $Jul1 + $Aug1 + $Sep1 + $Oct1 + $Nov1 + $Dec1) / $previous_month, 2); } catch (DivisionByZeroError $e) { $TotalMark = '0'; } } else { try { $TotalMark = round(($Jan1 + $Feb1 + $Mar1 + $Apr1 + $May1 + $Jun1 + $Jul1 + $Aug1 + $Sep1 + $Oct1 + $Nov1 + $Dec1) / 12, 2); } catch (DivisionByZeroError $e) { $TotalMark = '0'; } } } The engineer will submit the data every month and has one month time to submit the data. For example, March month data he can submit up to April 30th. After that, he cannot submit the March month data. For the current year, I will check if the previous month's data is submitted or not. based on that I will sum all the values and divided it by the previous month. For the previous year, I directly summed up all the values and divided them by 12. My requirement is, that if any engineer is added in the middle of the year and starts updating the data, then the calculation should start from that particular month. In the above picture, s.No: 228 has started updating from Jul 2023. The average should sum J(un+Jul_Aug+Sep+Oct+Nov+Dec / 6) I don't know how to do this. Can anyone please help me with how to do this?
  25. Hi All, This is a longshot - i will try and give as much content as i can. I have been working on my code all day its all been fine. Then all of a sudden, none of the external resources will load and i am getting tons of errors in the console. There is nothing that i had added that i would imagine to contribute to this issue and i havent been working on anything with mime types. Can anyone point me in the right direction or give any advice on troubleshooting this. Some of the assets that wont load are in my own file structure and are just js files for example. None of the style is loading..... I am very stuck
  26. That answer also got shut down I gave up and found the answer somewhere else and there is no trickery in the question after all. Nested hints:
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