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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi again all, I think I'm going round in circles here trying to chose a method to populate a form with a chosen name. I also think with a well crafted reply could put me right and save more lost hours. Im new to this area of coding and you could say not practised. So with a few months till my next module I thought I would reaffirm my current knowledge by launching into a project. Lol, even the smallest of ideas can involve hours and hours of commitment. I think though in my current problem Im lost because there are so many answers and I cannot decide what or which to chose. The specification is creating the registration part of a website, New User, Edit User, Delete User - sounds simple but Im trying to make it work similar to a web app so I would expect a lot of interaction between the server and the client - There is a comboBox at the top populated with the 'profile_name' information. I want the user to select a name and the form underneath the combobox to fill with all the other information. as this is only a simple practice I only need a simple form with 5 or so fields per row profile_name,profile_alias,profile_email,profile_phone,profile_mobile in a table called 'profiles'. So Im thinking I will need an 'onchanged' event so when a new name is selected I can call a javascript function to go get the info for the rest of the form, this will be returned by the php script and I then populate the form. And this is where I get stuck - As I re-write the keywords to dig out more articles about moving variables between server and client and vice-versa, the more work I dig up for myself. I mean what is the best/easiest to do? I would have thought something like this would have a simple method or function alas no. Ajax, Json, Cookies, Headers, XML, ??? and so on. I ended up confused and looking at months of learning just to send/receive variables. I think asking is the best thing here, On a different note, do I really have to rewrite the entire form everytime someone selects a different name from the combobox? It would be best if the form remained static and the content of the html boxes changed. Is this possible? and do I have my understanding of the relationship between client and php server wrong here? I was thinking the server had some control over data but if I echo the php results as said in some of the articles then my form is refreshed with a blank screen. I suppose I could change the php to rebuild the form but am I again choosing the hardest method? Thanks in advance, Phil
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