On your gallery page, you have a process to get an array of images which you should ensure has a numerically based index (0, 1, 2, ...). First, you need to take that logic and put it in a separate file that you will include() in your gallery page. You need to do this because you will need to include the same logic on the "enlarged version" script so you always get the exact same array. Never "copy/paste" such logic between multiple pages - especially when those multiple pages are dependent upon the data being the same.
Then, on your gallery page, make each image a link to open the image in the "enlarged version" page. That link would look something like this showfull.php?id=3
Lastly, your enlarged version page could look something like this.
//Include script to generate the image array
//Get the passed image id
$imageId = isset($_GET['id']) ? int($_GET['id']) : 0;
//Check if the image exists
if(!array_key_exists($imageId, $images)
//Error handling when the selected image does not exist
$output = "Unable to retireve image";
//Detemine if there will be a "prev" button (assumed array is always zero-based
$prevId = $imageId-1;
$prevLink = (array_key_exists($prevId, $images) ? "<a href='showfull.php?id={$prevId}'>PREV</a>" : '';
//Detemine if there will be a "next" button
$nextId = $imageId+1;
$nextLink = (array_key_exists($nextId, $images) ? "<a href='showfull.php?id={$nextId}'>NEXT</a>" : '';
//Create the output
$output = "SOME CONTENT TO SHOW FULL-SIZE IMAGE<img src='base_path/{$images[$imageId]}' /><br>";
$output .= "{$prevLink} | {$nextLink}";