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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Cut-down version echo "<tr> <td> <a href='Details/21/index.php?id=$id'>$id</a> </td> </tr>";
    1 point
  2. I've just looked at the data in your sql dump files. Did I say the design was terrible? I apologise for the gross understatement and for referring to it as a database As I hope I demonstrated in my earlier posts, if you get the data right the processing becomes a whole lot easier. Nothing in the other tables matches those column names in your prices table, so all of my solutions go out of the window. There might have been some hope if the first column in prices mapped to id #1 and the 2nd column to id #2 but even that isn't the case. I'll check if dropping "Price" suffix from the column names can save the day. I'll have a look at your code now, but first I need a stiff drink, or several - a large gin and tonic should help.
    0 points
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