This is not a teacher - student situation. As it happens, I have a good friend who is a college professor, as is his wife, and we talk about his classes and students fairly regularly. I know from his point of view, having standards that students have to meet is very much part of the job. There are assignments and tests. None of this is part of our discourse. In general, one of the most important elements of a community like this is the exposure to new ideas, technologies and methodologies, as well as exposure to a consensus on a baseline of competency.
Your replies frequently seem to me to have elements of both FUD and NIH. I'm guessing you are familiar with both acronyms. I understand that you are concerned about what you don't know, and are unsure in regards to your ability to learn things that are new to you in the short and long term, but these topics did not come up by happenstance. You posted questions soliciting feedback, which is what you've received.
In all the replies and feedback, I don't know if there's an instance where someone gave you an answer or opinion you've agreed with, that wasn't yours to begin with. It feels to me like an echo chamber, where you only want people to tell you that you were right from the get go. You seem to want to reduce this to a matter of opinion amongst equals, when that just isn't the case. I've done system architecture and engineering for my entire career. I know what's important, and I've tried to help you understand what that is, in dribs and drabs.
I could at this point make a nice list of all the things you've disregarded, along with various excuses for why you know better than me what you need right now. At the end of the day, if we listed the requirements for what you want, what you've already built and how they can be integrated, sans a serious discussion of whether your requirements are sane or logical, or even prioritized correctly, there's a best practices way to build something new, and there's a way to make spaghetti, that will likely be a costly bug ridden failure.
What the experienced practitioners here all know, is that doing it the right way isn't more difficult, nor does it take longer. Quite the contrary in fact. Doing it the right way produces a better product in less time because it's based on the assembly of pre-built and tested pieces, that more often than not have documentation and support.
Again, I do this to try and help others, as do the other respondents who frequent this site. Some percentage of people find what they are looking for and some percentage do not. Most of us have been participating in this forum for many years. We've seen every type of question and questioner there is at this point. You might want to consider that when you question the relevance or urgency of the advice you've received.