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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/2020 in all areas

  1. You're still trying to paddle upstream without a paddle. My suggestion would to be look at a CURRENT tutorial on adding, updating, and deleting data to a database table. I would also suggest PDO instead of mysqli as I feel it's more robust, but that is a personal preference. I like this PDO tutorial as they do a nice job explaining how PDO works : https://phpdelusions.net/pdo
    1 point
  2. Use JOINs with a single query to get the information you want instead of running multiple queries If you are only retrieving a single record, don't use a while loop - a single fetch will suffice Use prepared statements - don't put variables directly into the SQL string <?php /* MK_users MK_role_access MK_baccounts +-----+---------------+ +----------+----------+ +-----+------------------------+ | uid | fullname | | role_uid | role_bid | | bid | businessname | +-----+---------------+ +----------+----------+ +-----+------------------------+ | 1 | Laura Norder | | 1 | 10 | | 10 | Amazon | | 2 | Peter Dowt | | 2 | 20 | | 20 | Apple | | 3 | Tom Di Canari | | 3 | 30 | | 30 | Paula's Poodle Parlour | +-----+---------------+ +----------+----------+ +-----+------------------------+ */ $_SESSION['id'] = 2; // provide a value $res = $conn->prepare("SELECT ba.bid , ba.businessname FROM MK_role_access ra JOIN MK_baccounts ba ON ra.role_bid = ba.bid WHERE ra.role_uid = ? "); $res->bind_param('i', $_SESSION['id']); $res->execute(); $res->bind_result($bid, $business); $res->fetch(); echo "$bid - $business <br>"; //==> 20 - Apple ?>
    1 point
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