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  1. you are either getting a fatal php syntax/parse error or a fatal run-time error. for both of these, get php to help you by finding the php.ini that php is using and set error_reporting to E_ALL and display_errors to ON, so that php will report and display all the errors it detects. stop and start your web server to insure any changes made to the php.ini take effect and use a phpinfo() statement in a .php script file to confirm that the settings took effect.
    1 point
  2. The function definition clearly shows that it takes only 3 arguments - table, field, condition. In your second call you are passing 5 so the final 2 are ignored. Try $count_long_trades_pos = $db->getQueryCount('tbl_trades','lg_short_trade',' AND lg_short_trade="Long" AND pnl_trade > 0 AND num_bot_trade="'.$_REQUEST['editId'].'"'); Secondly, I don't know what the other functions in your database class are like but that one should be consigned to the trash bin... Incorrect use of prepared statements The query will wil return one row with one column (the count), so why return fetchAll() which is for multiple rows?, and why not just return the record count? The if() condition in the middle is waste of code
    1 point
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