First, let me just opine that there are generally accepted reasons to create stored procedures. Those include 'performance', 'adding business logic', 'doing things that can't easily be done in a single query/ie having procedural logic', 'providing a procedural api that enforces business rules', and in the case of triggers, enforcing complex data integrity, which is often done with triggers, and can't easily or robustly done client-side.
What you have to understand about MySQL, is that it doesn't work the same way that Sybase/MS-SQL Server or Oracle work. In those DB's, sprocs are cached in global server memory, so they can be shared by connections. Oracle also has heavy client connection overhead. MySQL does not work that way.
Quite probably, a normal query will be faster with MySQL in many circumstances, when compared with a sproc, because you have to understand that MySQL sprocs are not available in a shared memory structure like Oracle. So performance is not one of the advantages of sprocs in MySQL.
The sproc memory exists PER Connection! So that should give you pause, from a performance standpoint, because each connection will need memory allocation for sprocs, and conversely, the fact that clientA is calling a sproc, does absolutely nothing for clientB. There has been rumblings that something might be done about this architecture, but as of MySQL 8, as far as I know the per connection sproc cache is still local.
So to be absolutely clear, what happens when you create a connection to MySQL, every time you use a sproc, it gets compiled (if it was not already used), and stored in memory. There is not pre-compilation performance boost you get from other databases like Oracle.
Furthermore, PHP is a "shared nothing" environment. Depending on how you are running PHP, database connections will be created/destroyed frequently, or upon every execution. The fact that mysql connections are lightweight and performant is one of the reasons it has always been a good partner for PHP data persistence.
This was your original concern. Most of us tried to convince you that you already are covered for those concerns by:
Disallowing multiple statements in PDO
Using bind variables
Using InnoDB with allocation of memory to buffer pools, to maximize cache hit of result set data
PHP does give you a robust and highly capable language to build your reporting tool, and your code can be safe and will be performant against mysql, and sprocs bring nothing to the table that will make that better for you.
I understand that you have felt frustrated in this conversation, but this is a frequent phenomenon in the tech communities I frequent, when someone comes from a point of view that has predetermined a particular approach is the only way to do it. People immediately question whether or not, as the old adage goes, this is a "person with a hammer, who sees everything as a nail."
I think this was a valuable thread that contributed to the community, and I appreciate your perseverance and patience in sticking with it, but I also hope you can see that developers who are donating their time to try and help other developers tend to get a bit irritated when they perceive that someone is telling them "just shutup and answer my question", especially when they aren't convinced that the problem to be solved has been articulated clearly.
With that said, I hope you will continue to find the forum valuable to you now and in the future.