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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2021 in all areas

  1. I'm working on a new project and need to create DTOs for use in views (this is a Laravel project so MVC). The DTO will get created from subsets of values from 2 other models (Price, Quote). Obviously, it wouldn't be ideal to build the DTO from those models in multiple places so I want to seat that logic in a specific class. I figure an approach is to use a factory - i.e. as a place to capture the creation of the DTO. But when I read into Factory Method and Abstract Factory and Simple Factory this use case doesn't sound like it fits. So my questions are: Is a factory the right pattern? If so, which flavour of factory would you suggest? Is this the way you would approach it? I appeal to the more experienced minds here for some insight. I work alone so it's hard sometimes to figure out the right approach. thanks, Drongo
    1 point
  2. First thing is that the code you pasted was syntactically incorrect. I fixed it and put your post into code tags, as well as indenting it correctly for the blocks. To be able to read and understand code, it needs to be indented properly. Concept: A php file can have both html and php blocks. A php block must start with <?php and end with ?>. If you put html markup in a php file, it will be seen as html markup, unless it is inside a php block. Do you understand how that is used in the file you presented? Are there any html blocks? Does the script drop in and out of php? Is there html intermixed with php? Do you understand what a function is/does? Barand helpfully posted links to some key php functions and language constructs used in this code. Did you review those? If you have done that, then if you can narrow down the code into specific sections of code you don't understand, people will be happy to help you with those. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Be curious and read and study the material we provided. Curiosity and focus are the keys to learning anything new, not just programming languages. Do you have a php environment setup where you can test the code? Being able to put in echo and print_r or var_dump statements are very helpful when studying code you don't understand fully.
    1 point
  3. You can give this a try. I think it's probably a little more verbose than it needs to be, but should do what you are asking. Not going to guarantee it is what you want, so run it through some tests first <?php //Var to hold result $result = false; //Query for an exact match on both gpw and ewt $query = "SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool from {$uniluxModel} where gpm = :uniluxGpm AND ewt = :uniluxEwt"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was an exact match $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } //If no result try getting the two closest records matching gpm and high/low for ewt if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm = :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } //If no result try getting the two closes records matching ewt and high/low for gpm if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt = :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } //If no result get the two closest records that are both above gpm and ewt and both below gpm and ewt if (!$result) { $query = "( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm < :uniluxGpm1 AND ewt < :uniluxEwt1 ORDER BY gpm DESC, ewt DESC LIMIT 1 ) UNION ( SELECT gpm, ewt, totCool FROM wxyz WHERE gpm > :uniluxGpm2 AND ewt > :uniluxEwt2 ORDER BY gpm ASC, ewt ASC LIMIT 1 )"; $stmt = $dbConn->prepare($queryStr); $stmt->execute(array(':uniluxGpm1' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt1' => $uniluxEwt, ':uniluxGpm2' => $uniluxGpm, ':uniluxEwt2' => $uniluxEwt)); if($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //There was a result $result = $stmt->fetchColumn() } } if(!$result) { //No records that match either value echo "Not enough data to compute"; } else { //Do something with the data } ?>
    1 point
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