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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2021 in all areas

  1. Perhaps something like this (my identifiers do not exactly match yours) SELECT h.schoolname as home , a.schoolname as away , sch.preview , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT h.name, ', ', h.ht, ' ', h.pos, '; ', h.grade SEPARATOR ' / ' ) as home_team , GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT a.name, ', ', a.ht, ' ', a.pos, '; ', a.grade SEPARATOR ' / ' ) as away_team FROM schedule sch JOIN ( SELECT s.schoolname , concat(p.namefirst, ' ', p.namelast) as name , concat(p.feet, '\'', p.inches, '"') as ht , pos.description as pos , g.description as grade , s.school_id FROM school s JOIN player p ON s.school_id = p.schoolid JOIN grade g USING (grade) JOIN position pos USING (position) ) h ON sch.home_id = h.school_id JOIN ( SELECT s.schoolname , concat(p.namefirst, ' ', p.namelast) as name , concat(p.feet, '\'', p.inches, '"') as ht , pos.description as pos , g.description as grade , s.school_id FROM school s JOIN player p ON s.school_id = p.schoolid JOIN grade g USING (grade) JOIN position pos USING (position) ) a ON sch.away_id = a.school_id PS, output home: School 10 away: School 11 preview: Game on! home_team: Andrew Baker, 6'2" Point Guard; JR / Bernard Cook, 6'5" Shooting Guard; JR / Charles Draper, 6'1" Small Forward; JR / David Potter, 6'4" Power Forward; JR / Eric Fletcher, 6'0" Centre; JR away_team: Frank Gardener, 5'11" Point Guard; JR / Graham Hatter, 6'6" Shooting Guard; JR / Harry Joiner, 6'7" Small Forward; JR / Ian Miller, 6'4" Power Forward; JR / Julie Archer, 5'6" Centre; JR
    1 point
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