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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2022 in all areas

  1. The first question I would have for you, is do you have a solid "non-expert" understanding of html5 and css? That is what I would highly recommend to get down 1st. This is a good free course to go through, that is all done interactively in the Scrimba environment: https://scrimba.com/learn/introhtmlcss It's taught by Kevin Powell who is one of the better known css teachers I know of, and has an extensive set of video tutorials on youtube. Before you go further down any path, I would recommend you watch this video, which really helps you get an idea of what these different techs provide you from a design/UI standpoint: If you watch enough of this you'll get to the point where he compares some options (vanilla css, vs tailwind vs Material UI (MUI) vs Bootstrap, and declares: "Yeah Don't use Bootstrap. It's 2022 and you know better!" Nonetheless, this is a professional design guy who has worked for various well known companies and is very experienced, so I won't be an absolutist about this, but you should at least go into whatever phase of learning you are entering knowing more about this. I personally use Bootstrap every week for a client I work for, and I would certainly love to be able to move on from it now, but I'm stuck with a giant code base that is tightly integrated with it. At least do your research. Absolutely you should be using the latest version if you do use it. I have found that it is actually pretty easy to use in most cases, however this guy has a complete course on it, and most of his videos are really good: One thing to keep in mind is that Bootstrap does have places where to really take advantage of some of the widgets, you also need to have a working understanding of javascript, in order to integrate it with what you are doing. That is going to be true of many other css frameworks and approaches. It also needs to be said, that whether or not you should be using Bootstrap is a significant question, as there are other css frameworks that have become extremely popular, most notably Tailwind CSS. There are a number of other popular css frameworks, many of which are better suited to customizing the look and feel of things, or have a philosophy that is a bit more modern than what bootstrap has (given that Bootstrap is pretty old at this point, even though it has been updated). Here's an intro to tailwind and a complete course by a guy who has a lot of courses on Udemy, and was actually paid to make a professional level course on Tailwind that is again free on youtube. It is project based, but only one project in this case. If you like Tailwind as an approach then you probably want to look at TailwindUI and/or DaisyUI which build upon Tailwind and are closer to what you would get with much of Bootstrap.
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